The Limited Times

Vasco Rossi and 40 years of reckless life

2/3/2023, 1:37:17 PM

Generational anthem. From Sanremo 1983 at the bottom of the standings to the heights of a timeless success (ANSA)

'Vita spericolata'

, a generational anthem by Vasco Rossi, is 40 years old.

It was

February 3, 1983

when the young Blasco presented

his intimist, arrogant and, for the detractors, cursed song on the

Sanremo stage.

Incredibly, the career of Italy's most acclaimed rocker, unconventional and transgressive, is intertwined with the history of the most popular national festival.

Finished at the bottom of the charts, 'Reckless Life' became a record hit.

A year earlier, still in Sanremo (defined by Vasco himself, years later, "the only place in Italy where you can enter as a rookie and leave smelling of glory") he had brought 'Vado al massimo'.

The concept was always the same, to live a life without limits.

"In '83 I returned to Sanremo - Vasco explained - out of gratitude towards Gianni Ravera who had given me carte blanche the year before and only because I had the right song, 'Vita spericolata', a bomb, which I had just finished to write".

He later

shared the details of the inspiration for his manifesto song, conceived in a car while it was raining outside, on Instagram


"My first concert in Sardinia was in 1982, in the sports field of Assemini (20 km from Cagliari, ed). Right there - he revealed - I had the idea of ​​writing 'I want a reckless life', inspired by this wonderful raw and wild land, proud and fair, of stones, sun and wind".

'Vita spericolta'

, which over the years has become one of the most cited titles, which has inspired rivers of ink and uncomfortable flowers of intellectuals and philosophers,

returned to the Sanremo stage with its author in 2005

, in an acoustic version, with the faithful Maurizio Solieri to attack the famous opening guitar line accompanying Vasco.

"I'm here - the rocker said on that occasion to Paolo Bonolis, who was leading the Festival - because I want to thank this stage and this event which for me was the beginning of an extraordinary adventure. Then I would like to greet all those who in this At the moment they are watching Sanremo and tomorrow they will say they didn't watch it".

Vasco is the author of the entry "reckless" in the vocabulary of the Italian language Zingarelli 2019


Who, if not the rocker who sings "I want a reckless, rude life, like the ones in the movies, who doesn't care about everything, yes...", between "whiskey at the Roxy Bar" and analogies with the life of Steve McQueen, could he write this author definition?

Here it is: "Reckless, risky, adventurous. In the sense that Nietzsche says, life lived dangerously and fully accepting the challenges, risks, hardships, joys and sufferings. Try to prevent and face obstacles, not avoid them".

After Vasco's song, the word "reckless" entered the collective imagination almost with a new meaning, inextricably binding to the notes of that song, written by Tullio Ferro.

After all, Blasco's words, "when an artist gets a song like this,