The Limited Times

A court ruled by judges who choose more judges bores me Israel today

2/8/2023, 9:56:24 PM

I like a varied picture, that we see the world close to what it really is • I don't want the judges to treat the court like a family - it's a job • And what Attorney Eyal Besargalik did will also harm future victims

Basically, the reason for the whole civil war in question is the question of who will appoint the judges in Israel.

This is the main point of warlike feelings and speech.

There is a difficult problem here.

we will solve

Why should the bar association be represented in the committee for selecting supreme judges in Israel?

What is the virtue of lawyers, who vote again and again for morally flawed heads of chambers, to elect judges in Israel?

When they can directly choose a person who will be a worthy representative of the legal profession, they choose people who feed their role.

Provide apparent support for judicial positions for sex offenders.

And the one who just wanted to be the head of the bureau and a little Shylock came out along the way, how does such a man even think of filling this position?

Because this is the spirit of the office, this is the spirit of the office.

remove from the committee.

Why should the judges be represented in the committee for appointing judges?

It is human nature to choose like him.

Not only his nature, but also his actual selection, and what happens in the court with the appointments, is second only to what happens in the Shas with the appointments of family members to rabbis and CEOs.

The court ruled by judges who choose more judges bores me.

I like a diverse picture, colors, genders, origins, beliefs, all kinds, that we see the world close to what it really is, not an imaginary picture of the reasonable person.

I don't want the judges to treat the court like a family.

There is no family at work.

There is a role, to serve all parts of the people, and not to create an artificial bubble that is about to burst.

Judges will judge and welcome whoever is sent to sit with them in the lineup.

Why should politicians choose judges?

The tolerance that has become a standard for violations of the law by elected officials, keeps politicians away from electing judges.

The criminal threshold they set for examining acts is a fundamentally corrupt threshold.

Under his auspices, elected officials with criminal charges continue to work as if nothing happened.

And not just the prime minister.

MK David Bitan is also rising as if there were no videos. We saw the act of bribery. We don't have to wait for the criminal proceedings. It is forbidden to express support. Even in Derai. Although his offense is not huge, but it doesn't matter. If you want to choose a judge, I want Hope you don't end up facing the judge you chose, or any judge at all.

And the public?

The public proves time and time again that "correct" work in the networks can root any invented idea and turn it into a conscious reality.

The mechanisms of influence on the public are so sophisticated, that those with power and money will intervene and deny justice to them.

So who will choose?

i will choose


I will choose people whose faith does not disturb their judgment, who know that there is indeed a great truth, but there is a truth for its time, and who prefer the moment over eternity and commemoration.

Decent, humble people who don't take themselves seriously, but their mission to the end.

I will choose people who prefer their people over bad ideas from outsiders, but are also open to the good happening in the world.

I will choose well.


Can you send me a resume already?

Preference for payment transmitters in the court bit.

Mutual guarantee is rare

Not a few hours have passed since the horrific rape in the fence, and a request to help raise funds for the attacked mother, who can rebuild her life after the horror, has already landed in my email box.

My initial reaction was, as expected - what a people.

Every time someone falls, the citizens feel lifted.

You will not find this mutual guarantee anywhere else.

No matter how deep the ideological gaps between the people - when the rights of souls are on the agenda, everyone puts everything aside and joins in urgent and generous help.

But my second reaction worried me.

I thought - how do I know where the money will go?

Who guaranteed me that some coward, some crook, some petty thief, some scum of a man wouldn't intercept the funds collected on their way to the unfortunate mother, and they would be used to upgrade his black Mercedes, his landlocked, his trips to pampering vacations?

Who can guarantee me?

Is it even ethical on my part to lend a hand to collect funds that I am not sure will reach their certificate?

And on the other hand, what?

Now I'm supposed to start checking the tassels of every donation and every encouragement for giving that passes through my hands?

Is there any castration from that?

Speaking of castration, it would be good to go back to the days of the Palmach when an Arab sexual terrorist was castrated on the orders of Ben-Gurion. Then they did it without anesthesia, today you can pamper yourself with local anesthesia, but for sure it will end this story just as it ended it then , especially when it will be a Tiktok video, in which the assailant leaves the hospital with a bag containing his majesty, as a souvenir.

We will return to the donation.

What the disgraceful lawyer Eyal Basraglik did, who used the donation money collected to restore the life of the murdered woman's wife at the crossing, was not just a local act of scoundrel, but a mass attack on all projects based on mass mobilization for good causes.

Who today can give with an open heart and soul, when it is known that people in suits are lurking on the side of the road for the convoy carrying the kindness of the public to the home of the unfortunate in need, and do not hesitate for a moment to rob the precious treasure, and further defend the act in public - as if the citizens opened their wallets for them.

Thus, what he did in Sergalik to Lelena Volkov will also hurt her mother, and countless other victims that only the kindness of the Israeli kibbutz could put them back on track.

And if you still have some innocence left in you, the Peybox group for support of gender mothers is called "Embrace the victim of gender".

Donate and show Basraglik what it means to protect the weak.


And in my not-so-imaginative imagination, I'm sitting in the studio for one show or another in three years and two months, and in front of me sits one of the four young drug smugglers who were caught for wrongdoing in Kefen and in their suitcase, and she's already released, she was released just this week, and now she's already going on a mission in some reality show, and there Le Laine of something, and everything she wanted to gain from smuggling she gains from being a desirable Slav.

Each of her posts in favor of one or another consumer product brings her decent income, and young fans, and a stronger public status than any shame for the act she did.

Right now, when they're on the dock in court, ragged and scared, it seems like a distant vision, but it's clear that these kook girls have been given a gift.

Both Luke, both shameless, both determined to get what they want by any means and regardless of who pays, and also accused of smuggling a drug that is consumed almost completely openly in many circles in Israel and the world, and is not seen as sowing disaster and death, but as a performance enhancer, as it were, a necessary spice for entertainment,

So the bleaching journey of these lost girls has already begun, and in your lifetime you will see them receiving newspaper covers producing fashion in white, and sharing with the public their days in prison, and becoming influential, according to which something will happen.

One of them will surely repent, one will return to her anonymity and appear once a year on some morning show, one will be careful in the name of the state for a few years, until she grows up and screws up, she will surely find a match on the side of money and problematic relationships, divorce, a make-up line, and one will be appointed to the post of judge after Make rows with the committee member.

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