The Limited Times

Court of Milan, 'Cav acquitted because girls were to be investigated'

2/15/2023, 1:54:30 PM

The young former guests of the Arcore evenings, heard in the 2 trials on the Ruby case, "could not legitimately hold the public office of witness", because they were already being investigated at the time and heard as witnesses assisted by lawyers. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, FEBRUARY 15 - The young former guests of the Arcore evenings, heard in the 2 trials on the Ruby case, "could not legitimately hold the public office of witness", because they were already being investigated at the time and heard as witness witnesses by lawyers .

Since there are no longer false testimonies, in essence, the connected accusation of corruption in judicial documents also falls because "the hypothesized corruptor, in the present case, Berlusconi" is missing.

The president of the Court of Milan Fabio Roia writes in a note in which he anticipates the heart of the reasons for the acquittal sentence for all in the Ruby ter, which the judges will deposit in 90 days.

    On the basis of "the factual elements" which "will be illustrated in detail in the reasoning of the sentence, the Court ascertained - writes Roia in a long note - that the defendants Amarghioalei, Barizonte, Berardi, Bonasia, Cipriani, DeVivo Concetta, De Vivo Eleonora, El Mahroug, Espinosa, Faggioli, Ferrera Marianna, Ferrera Manuela, Loddo, Garcia Polanco, Guerra, Rigato, Skorkina, Sorcinelli, Toti, Trevaini and Visan could not legitimately play the public office of witness in the proceedings" Ruby and Ruby bis "because essentially they are under investigation for a connected crime" .

The "unambiguous evidence against them resulted from the records of the proceedings in which they were questioned as witnesses".

This finding, it reads, "