The Limited Times

Hervé Lacombe: “The future of opera is that of our culture”

2/15/2023, 3:23:32 PM

INTERVIEW – The musicologist returns to the birth of the lyrical genre and regrets that the latter, very little perceived as a creative art, is no longer a priority of cultural policy.

Hervé Lacombe is the mastermind behind an unprecedented undertaking: a

History of



in three volumes and over 4,500 pages, bringing together 150 authors under his direction!

An exciting sum, the publication of which ended in 2022 at Fayard.

He looks back on the crazy history of the lyrical genre in our country, but also on the challenges that await it, while the directors of the Opera fear possible closures in 2023, faced with the drop in public attendance and the increase in the cost Energy.


- What lesson can we draw from 400 years of opera in France?



Opera in France is the art of reaction and action.

When the French lyrical genre was born under Louis XIV, it was only a reaction to Italian opera.

This splendid thing which rustles all of Europe, and which will experience a few unsuccessful attempts to set up with Mazarin.

But, very quickly, French opera turns into the art of action.

It stands out, offers a different element…

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