The Limited Times

Jane Fonda on a possible waltz with Richard Lugner: "I'm old and I could fall apart"

2/15/2023, 2:53:36 PM

Richard »Mörtel« Lugner has invited a prominent guest to his box at the Vienna Opera Ball every year since 1992. This year he was able to convince Jane Fonda. But it probably won't come to the dance.

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Jane Fonda and Richard Lugner speak at a press conference on the Opera Ball in Vienna

Photo: Georg Hochmuth / dpa

Hollywood star Jane Fonda was not exactly informed when she was invited to the Vienna Opera Ball by the building contractor Richard »Mörtel« Lugner.

"I thought I was going to an opera," said the 85-year-old when she first appeared with her host in Vienna.

But she's used to the idea now.

"A lot of photos will be taken and I'll probably meet the President."

“I have an artificial shoulder, two artificial hips, two artificial knees.

I'm old and I could fall apart," said the American, who was once very successful as a fitness queen.

Around 5,000 guests are expected this Thursday for the Opera Ball, the social highlight in Austria.

After a two-year Corona break, the ball is also dedicated to charity - part of the proceeds will be donated to social causes.

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) is also expected to attend the ball as a guest of his Austrian colleague Magnus Brunner.

Fonda wants to devote herself entirely to climate protection

Fonda showed herself to be a highly committed climate protector.

You have full understanding for all protests - including the controversial adhesive actions of the climate activists.

“What they call out to us is: Help us, old people.

Help us to have a future!' Fonda said.

After numerous very successful film projects (»Grace and Frankie«, »80 for Brady«), she wants to devote herself entirely to climate protection in the near future.

That's why she accepts invitations like Richard Lugner's.

"He pays quite a lot of money," the 85-year-old admitted openly.

She found polite words about her host, but avoided being too close.

"I don't know anyone who has an entire town named after them," Fonda said.

In this case it is his Vienna shopping center, which operates as »Lugner City«.

The multi-millionaire has been inviting a prominent guest to his box for the Vienna Opera Ball every year since 1992.

His guests have included Paris Hilton (2007), Pamela Anderson (2003) and the recently deceased Gina Lollobrigida (2013).
