The Limited Times

Tom Hanks, an Aston Villa fan, experienced Dibu Martínez's saves and the goals against Arsenal on the field

2/18/2023, 2:00:13 PM

The Aston Villa star was in the locker room with the players and suffered from a box in the game against the leader of the Premier.

The match between

Aston Villa



, one of the leaders of the

Premier League

, had an extremely striking presence this Saturday in one of the

Villa Park

stands : the actor

Tom Hanks

was there , who several years ago had recognized himself as a fan of the team that has

Emiliano Martínez


Emiliano Buendía

, but had never been to the stadium.

Before kick-off, the star of movies like

Forrest Gump


Saving Private Ryan


The Terminal


Apollo 13


The Da Vinci Code

toured the pitch and visited the home locker room, where he greeted the Birmingham team players.

Images from that moment were shared on the club's accounts on various social networks, accompanied by a message:

"It's a pleasure to have you with us at Villa Park, Tom Hanks

. "

Tom Hanks greets Brazilian Philippe Coutinho in the Villa Park home dressing room before the match between Aston Villa and Arsenal.

Photo: Aston Villa Press.

Then, the 66-year-old American actor followed the duel from the stadium's presidential box with

Christian Purslow

, CEO of Aston Villa (who had received him when he arrived at the property), and did not hide his emotions, especially when Ollie Watkins he converted the first goal for the



Although this is the first time Hanks has attended Aston Villa's stadium, his sympathy for the team goes back a long way.

He had exposed it in 2008, during the premiere of

Power Play

(in which he played US congressman Charles Wilson) in London.

And he had also attended a preseason friendly that he played against the Portland Timbers, in Portland, in July 2012. On that occasion, he flew especially for it from his house in Los Angeles.

“I am a fan of Villa.

I try to stay up to date on the team.

I have a very good friend who lives and dies for Aston Villa.

He is also in Los Angeles, so he always brings me up to date, ”Hanks recounted in an interview in 2013.

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