The Limited Times

Bernard-Henri Lévy: “There is only one real risk of World War III, if Putin wins”

2/20/2023, 7:07:22 PM

BIG INTERVIEW – Slava Ukraini (“Long live Ukraine”), this is the title of the second combat film that the philosopher devotes to the conflict which since February 24, 2022 has upset international relations. Bernard-Henri Lévy tells us about his year of filming on the front. And raise his...

On February 24, 2022 by order of Vladimir Putin,

Russian troops entered Ukraine


Since then, the military resistance of kyiv has defeated the imperial aims of Russia.

A year after

the beginning of the conflict

, we gave the floor to specialists, but also to philosophers, historians, writers, to shed light, each in their own way, on this war which changed the world.

On February 9, 2014, during the Maidan revolution, in Kiev square, Bernard-Henri Lévy addressed the crowd to exalt Europe and condemn Vladimir Putin.

Today, a year after the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, BHL persists and signs.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a war between the Western democracies and the new empires of which Russia is the vanguard, he analyzes.

If Putin is not defeated militarily, according to him, all of Europe will be threatened tomorrow.


- This is your second film about Ukraine.

Why this fight?

Bernard-Henri LEVY…

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