The Limited Times

Joe Biden's trip to kyiv: secretly planned for months and with advance notice to Russia

2/20/2023, 10:43:20 PM

Only a handful of advisers knew about it. And he was notified in Moscow just a few hours before his departure from the United States.

US President Joe Biden's trip to Kiev to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky was secretly planned for months, involving only

a handful of advisers and with prior notice to Russia

, which learned of the president's plans. a few hours before his departure from Washington.

This was detailed to the press yesterday by some of the US leader's main advisers, including the White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, who was part of the small entourage that accompanied Biden.

Sullivan explained that Washington sent a notification to Moscow about Biden's trip to Kiev

only "a few hours"

before his plane left Andrews Air Force Base (Maryland), outside Washington, and explained that the purpose of the message it was to avoid any accident that could escalate the conflict.

When asked by the press, the opposing adviser revealed the content of the message sent to the Kremlin due to the "sensitive nature" of this type of communication with Russia.

Biden at the kyiv train station, Photo AFP

In secret

Biden's visit was not disclosed until it was in progress and had been kept secret for security reasons.

However, the trip did not come unexpectedly and had been

"meticulously planned"

for months, revealed Jonathan Finer, Sullivan's "number two" on the White House National Security Council, the body in charge of US foreign policy. .

According to Finer, for security reasons, only a handful of advisers from the White House, the Pentagon and the Secret Service were involved in planning the trip, in addition to some members of the intelligence services whose mission was to ensure the security of the president in Kiev.

President Joe Biden and his adviser Jake Sullivan on the train in which they arrived in kyiv.

AFP photo

All of those advisers carefully designed each stage of the trip, including how Biden would get to Kiev, and

also came up with other backup plans

in case any problems arose when the president was on the ground.

Biden was the one who made the final decision to go to kyiv on Friday, considering that there were risks, but that they were manageable.

The president came to that conclusion after an extensive meeting Friday in the Oval Office of the White House

with his advisers and members of his cabinet,

some of whom participated by phone, Finer said.


Logistically the trip was especially complicated because US presidents rarely visit war zones and when they do, as they have done in recent years in Iraq or Afghanistan, US troops are often on the ground to ensure their security.

Joe Biden and Zelenski with the kyiv Cathedral in the background.

AP Photo


the United States does not have troops in the Ukraine

and, therefore, the trip required more planning and much more care, explained the director of communications of the White House, Kate Bedingfield.

“This visit, by a US president to a war zone, is historic and unprecedented,” Bedingfield said.

Despite the risks, Biden decided to go to Ukraine to show his commitment to Ukraine,

just when there are four days left

until the first anniversary of the Russian invasion that began on February 24, 2022.

During his visit, the American met with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelensky, and announced $500 million in additional aid to Ukraine.

Biden has already left Kiev, after a visit that ended six hours, and tomorrow, Tuesday, he will begin an official visit to Poland to reaffirm his commitment to the countries on the eastern flank of NATO.

Source: EFE


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