The Limited Times

Sergio Gonal broke down when talking about the difficult health problem he went through: "I underwent a complex operation and everything went wrong"

2/20/2023, 7:19:17 PM

The comedian, who has now returned to work, detailed the difficult 2022 he experienced: "I'm trying to get well."

Sergio Gonal

lived through a rather complicated 2022 due to a health problem.

In a note with


(America, Monday through Friday at 1:30 p.m.), the comedian, who is gradually returning to work, told what happened to him.

First, the former VideoMatch referred to his return with his humorous show in Mar del Plata.

"I love doing theater here, and this show had the nickname of special because it was the only one of the season and because of everything I experienced,"

Gonal began by telling, who thanked his doctor, who is following his return step by step. to the tables:

"He gave me permission to do a function, but we are here to continue."

"I had a health complication, I mean in case anyone didn't find out. And they told me 'you can't work,'" said Gonal, who acknowledged that he

had a "quite particular year in which I had a pretty bad time."

Sergio Gonal broke down when talking about the support he received from his wife.

Capture TV.

And he explained:

"I entered a complex operation for diverticula and everything went wrong. I was hospitalized for 23 days.

A lot of intensive therapy, a lot of fear, a lot of fear, but here we are. I'm happy."

"Now we have a third stage, because this continues until a solution is found," added Gonal, speaking of how his recovery continues.

And he reflected: "Things happen for a reason. If what happened to me happened to me because something was and perhaps some learning leaves me. But God is wise and five years before he sent me a savior angel, who is my wife. The truth is Big words and I have words of gratitude for her because she was...

it's hard for me... what we went through was very screwed up. But the fat woman was always there. My children too

," said Gonal, very emotional.

"When health gives you these notices, the best thing you can do is try to get well, first for yourself and then for all those who love you. And that's what we're trying to do. I'm trying to get well," he


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Sergio Gonal talked about his health problems.

Capture TV.

After the note,

Nancy Duré

, a panelist for the cycle hosted by Florencia de la Ve, provided more details about Gonal's health.

"He had some very complex diverticulosis. They operated on him and it went wrong. He ended up with peritonitis.

Even after they did another reconstructive surgery that was also complicated by issues of his body. Now he is fine, he is healthy, happy, content for his girlfriend and his children. And the doctor gave him the chance to return to work little by little. In May he will have a new operation. This continues," the journalist narrated.


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