The Limited Times

Young people beat tram drivers to the hospital – because of the final stop

2/20/2023, 8:01:29 PM

When a tram driver told two teenagers that they were at the final stop, they beat him up. They also kicked on the ground. The police are looking for the perpetrators.

When a tram driver told two teenagers that they were at the final stop, they beat him up.

They also kicked on the ground.

The police are looking for the perpetrators.

Bremen – Two young people wanted to get on a tram in Bremen.

But they were at the last stop.

When the tram driver informed them that the journey had ended here, they freaked out.

Young people beat up tram drivers: He had explained to them that they were standing at the final stop

As the police announced on Monday, the 26-year-old tram driver drove into a turning loop in the Hemelingen district shortly before midnight on Sunday (February 19) and stopped behind another train.

There he saw two teenagers tampering with the closed back doors of the tram.

He made the boys aware that this train will no longer run.

According to the information, they immediately attacked him.

They hit him in the face and head several times with their fists until he fell to the ground.

There, too, the attackers continued to kick the 26-year-old, hitting his head again.

Young people beat up tram drivers: the driver has to go to the hospital – the police are looking for perpetrators

Only when residents became aware of the incident did the young people let go of the man and fled.

The train driver was given first aid by rescue workers.

He was in shock.

The 26-year-old was taken to a hospital for further treatment.

As the police reported in their statement, he had suffered multiple bruises and bloody injuries.

The criminal police began investigations into dangerous bodily harm.

The young perpetrators are said to be around 16 to 17 years old.

They were wearing black hoodies and one pair of flip-flops during the attack, police said.

Witnesses were called to come forward.


In Bremen, two teenagers beat up a tram driver.

He had to be taken to the hospital (symbol image).

© Maximilian Koch/Imago

Physical attacks are frequent.

At the end of 2022, a man was attacked by a group in Nuremberg.

They too kicked in after the young man was already on the ground.

In Trier, however, police officers were attacked by 40 people “with iron bars, glass bottles, brooms and shovels”.

The investigation is ongoing.


List of rubrics: © Maximilian Koch/Imago

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