The Limited Times

Gb: 'Isis bride' loses appeal, revocation of citizenship confirmed

2/22/2023, 11:08:40 AM

Nothing to do for Shamima Begum, the 'bride of ISIS' who fled London at the age of 15 with two girls of the same age in 2015 to join the militiamen of the Caliphate in Syria before being captured and reappearing four years ago, discovered by the media, in a field refugees from ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - LONDON, FEBRUARY 22 - Nothing to do for Shamima Begum, the 'bride of Isis' who fled London at the age of 15 with two girls of the same age in 2015 to join the militiamen of the Caliphate in Syria before being captured and reappearing four years ago, unearthed by the media, in a refugee camp in the area: the judges of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission today rejected the last appeal against the revocation of British citizenship decided at the time by the Tory government - not without controversy - against him.

    Today's verdict means that Begum - born in England to parents originally from Bangladesh, but a citizen only of the United Kingdom - will not be able to return to her homeland, which she abandoned as a teenager almost 8 years ago together with two girls of the same age.

   The punitive measure, adopted against her in 2019 for alleged reasons of national security (matter of government competence) by the then Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, remains valid and legitimate, according to the judges.

Despite defense attorneys' arguments that Shamima, largely a minor at the time of the "flight", was in fact the victim of a form of human trafficking and sexual exploitation by ISIS;

as well as what emerged from a recent journalistic investigation by the BBC on the role-trap played by a covert agent of Canadian intelligence (allied with the British one) to illegally enter Syria in 2015 with her friends Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase,

in order to then use them to collect information for the benefit of Western services.