The Limited Times

Mar del Plata: two spas received the ecological distinction 'Blue Flag'

2/22/2023, 11:32:13 AM

This is an international award that guarantees water quality and services, among other standardized criteria.

Good news for two Mar del Plata spas:

San Sebastián de La Perla


Mediterráneo de Punta Mogotes

received the “Blue Flag” distinction, an international award that guarantees the sustainable development of outdoor spaces related to tourism granted by the Argentine chapter. of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE, Foundation for Environmental Education), whose headquarters are in Denmark.

The prestigious flag bears the endorsement of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the United Nations Environment Program (UNDP) and the International Union for Nature (IUCN).

It is considered the most recognized voluntary eco-label in the world.

It is awarded to beaches, marinas and sustainable nautical tourism inns.

Pablo Pilaftsidis, one of the managers of both award-winning spas, expressed: "We are very happy with the international distinction and it is something that commits us to continue improving. We have to work and continue in line with the changes that a large part of the world has been experiencing for a long time. works hard to change the quality of life. In addition, we plan to buy equipment that will help us improve every day."

Two spas were distinguished in Mar del Plata.

The requirements

To deserve the award, they had to meet a series of standardized criteria of "bathing water quality, environmental management, environmental education, safety and accessibility."

Both spas are the first and only Argentine establishments to receive recognition.

To certify compliance with the requirements, which are found in the

33 standardized criteria

of those who seek to obtain the Blue Flag for the management of operations that dealers must comply with, representatives traveled especially from Italy to Mar del Plata, on which occasion they also They were delighted to discover the Pearl of the Atlantic.

The criteria for obtaining the Blue Flag are divided into four fundamental areas:

Bathing water quality, Environmental Information and Education, Environmental Management and Safety, Services and Facilities


Once it is verified that the 33 standardized criteria of the program are met, the candidacy is presented to professionals from the Ministry of Environment and Health, together with other organizations, who then send it to an international jury that meets in Copenhagen and defines the delivery of flags

Blue Flag 2023 for two seaside resorts in Mar del Plata.

Recognition lasts for a season.

Francesca Abeltino, the executive director of the Fundación para la Educación Ambiental Argentina, stated: “All of this has been possible due to the advances that the city has made in relation to the good management of its sewage.

With the start-up of the treatment plant in 2018 and the previous construction of the submarine outfall in 2014, which allowed the bacteriological indices of bathing water on Mar del Plata beaches to have the same parameters required by the European Union for recreational waters. ”.

The systematized work carried out by Obras Sanitarias Sociedad del Estado (OSSE) Mar del Plata in the microbiological control of seawater with measurements dating back to 1995 have been decisive.

According to Antonio Molina, national director of the Blue Flag program, "one of the fundamental pillars of the program is the quality of recreational bathing water and in this, Mar del Plata has an enormous advantage compared to the rest of the country, due to the works carried out and historical archives. What OSSE did, for us, is a pilot test for other locations that want to apply to the program, with exhaustive monitoring and five seasonal samplings at intervals of no less than 31 days."

Blue Flag for two Mardel spas.

The spas, to be chosen, had to demonstrate that they have "a bathing area with at least one collection point for the analysis of water quality."

Both the beach boundaries and the name must be officially recognized and may be located in coastal/marine or inland waters.

The program

The “Blue Flag” program had its birth in France 35 years ago.

It was received by more than 48,000 beaches, marinas and tourist boats from 50 countries.

In 2023, Argentina is part of the San Sebastián and Mediterráneo spas.

A very important recognition that implies the beginning of future actions and a model for other spas in the country.

Molina added: "Most of the seaside resorts in Mar del Plata have very good infrastructure and high quality standards."

A primary issue of the program is to meet the objective of connecting the public with their environment and encourage them to learn more about the environment and the establishments.

In this case, the spas must promote and offer environmental education activities, as well as a permanent exhibition of information related to the place regarding ecosystems, environmental phenomena and biodiversity.

The Mediterranean spa, in Punta Mogotes.

It is expected that Mar del Plata can achieve more recognition in the next season with its more than 40 spas, slowly but surely integrating into the global trend of programs and awareness of the importance of sustainability.

“Pure water, clean coasts, security and accessibility for all”.

Fulfilling the required criteria, in 2023, the countries with the largest number of Blue Bags are Spain.

It is followed by Greece, Turkey (the only non-European destination), Italy, France (especially due to the cleanliness of its coasts), Portugal and Denmark.

Environmentalists and travelers are increasingly focusing on the beaches with the Blue Flag seal, looking for quality spaces and services.

As the recognition lasts only one year, it obliges those who are in charge of the establishments to continue maintaining the level to continue deserving the badge, which gives the necessary confidence to know that the requirements demanded at a global level to build and move towards a more sustainable world.

In addition to the tents there is a pool area.

Green actions in La Feliz

Within the framework of the Local Climate Action Plan, the municipality of General Pueyrredón developed, during this summer, a cycle of talks aimed at the community and the general public on practices and technologies that contribute to environmental sustainability.

The talks feature social entrepreneurs and local experts on specific issues related to the protection of natural heritage, the circular economy and the relationship between health and the environment.

The aforementioned entrepreneurs have their activity with discarded plastic, with those who work with organic botanists and those who make compost (a product obtained from the composting process, which consists of the controlled oxidation of different organic materials).

The framework of the talks takes place on public beaches, to raise awareness and undertake with social and environmental impact.

Deborah Sabsay, head of Kausana, Triple Impact management consultant, said: "We try to ensure that the actions that are being developed, in support of the municipality, are committed to generating a cultural change, in the social and environmental dimension.

Inhabiting natural spaces with a new look”.

Green Ambassadors, the environmental organization, a few days ago invited locals and tourists to a day in Playa Grande to collect waste and to give workshops to give citizens tools to raise awareness about the importance of the environment.

Similar actions are carried out by “Playas Limpias ok”.

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