The Limited Times

Public prosecutor Milan investigates alleged Meta tax evasion for 870 million

2/22/2023, 2:19:54 PM

Hypothesis, failure to pay VAT between 2015 and 2021 (ANSA) The Milan Public Prosecutor's Office has opened a file for Meta's omitted payment of VAT for approximately 870 million euros. The figure emerged following the investigations of the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Gdf based on the failure to submit the value added tax declaration by the giant that controls Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, for the years ranging from 2015 to 2021 The inves

The Milan Public Prosecutor's Office has opened a file for Meta's omitted payment of VAT for approximately 870 million euros.

The figure emerged following the investigations of the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Gdf based on the failure to submit the value added tax declaration by the giant that controls Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, for the years ranging from 2015 to 2021 The investigation, as Il Fatto Quotidiano reported today, was initiated by the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

However, yesterday, as reported by qualified sources, the investigation passed under the responsibility of the Milanese prosecutors.