The Limited Times

Tragedy of the twins in Barcelona: they investigate whether they suffered bullying for "the simple fact of being Argentine"

2/22/2023, 3:13:49 PM

It arises from the testimony of his relatives. Sallent's educational portfolio denies it, but the police do not rule out any hypothesis. The 12-year-old girls fell from a third floor: one died and the other is seriously ill.

The tragic death of a 12-year-old Argentine girl after falling from a third floor in


together with her twin sister -who is hospitalized in serious condition- caused a commotion in the town of Sallent.

The first indications of the investigation indicate that

they jumped intentionally

and now they aim to determine

what the reasons were


In the first instance, according to local media reports, the police hypothesis is that they would have done it due to family problems.

However, in the last few hours, the version that they could have been

victims of bullying

emerged from the girls' environment .

One of the first voices to make this version known was that of Kevin, a second cousin of the girls who had arrived with his family two years ago in Barcelona.

The young man told the Catalan outlet Regio 7 that the girls suffered bullying at the institute

"for the simple fact of being Argentine"


"They are two very beautiful creatures. I know they had depression and were bullied at school," said Kevin, who is also a neighbor of the family.

He claimed not to know if the educational center they attended was aware of the situation that he denounces.

Given these statements, a statement was released from Sallent's educational portfolio

ruling out that the researchers had identified a bullying situation


The Mossos d'Esquadra, the Catalan police, advances in the expertise without rejecting any hypothesis.

However, sources of the investigation cited by the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, maintained that the girls were going through an uncomfortable situation with some classmates since they arrived in the town, with their parents and a younger brother.

The report published this Wednesday by the journalist Mayra Navarro indicates that the

insults and ridicule for their accent and Argentine origin

would have started at school and had moved to the Llobregat institute they now attended.

The study center activated this Wednesday accompanying protocols for the classmates of the victims.

Kevin, the sisters' second cousin, expanded the family version of the events leading up to the tragic event.

"Their parents spoke with the management of the school and the institute. They were two very good girls who did not mess with anyone but there was

a group that laughed at them because of their accent

. Two beautiful little creatures who had not yet learned to live and that they were always smiling. They were having a hard time, and in fact

they had time to go to the psychologist

. But their parents were not aware that the situation was so serious. "

The problems of the little ones, the harassment and the insults would have intensified when one of the girls -Alana, the one who died in the fall- asked at the Institute that she wanted to be called with a masculine name.

According to the sources cited by La Vanguardia, the girl would have stated in her house that she wanted to start a sex change process.

When consulted by the investigators, the parents claimed to be unaware.

The fact

The 12-year-old twins fell from the third floor of a building and one of them died.

Investigators believe the sisters jumped off the balcony voluntarily.

This hypothesis is supported by the discovery of

two letters written by them and two chairs

that they could have used to jump.

As reported to EFE by sources close to the investigation, the Police are now analyzing the two handwritten texts and due to the first indications

a criminal action is ruled out


The City Council decreed three days of mourning and suspended all scheduled public events, including Carnival celebrations.

At the scene, it was found that one of the girls had died from the serious trauma caused by the fall.

An autopsy is scheduled to be performed in the next few hours.

His twin sister, meanwhile, was able to be stabilized and transferred in serious condition to the Pac Taulí hospital in Sabadell.