The Limited Times

Tucumán: they offered bogus medical certificates online to present in educational institutions

2/22/2023, 12:20:08 PM

Days before the start of the school year, they carried out this illegal practice through publications on social networks. The cost was $1,500.

A serious situation that affects the educational field of Tucumán was exposed, just over a week before the start of the 2023 school year, scheduled for March 1.

It is that, through the Internet,

they offered false medical records and health certificates

for students, in order to be presented in the different educational institutions.

The president of the Medical College of Tucumán, Héctor Sale, referred to this practice considered illegal, in dialogue with

La Gaceta


"Not only are crimes being committed, such as usurpation of the title and identity of medical professionals, but

the health of these children is also being endangered

," he remarked.

"The fact of trying to naturalize an irregular and illegal action through social networks is also worrying, as if it were something that was within the correctness," he added.

As this Tucuman newspaper was able to verify, the system of preparation and delivery of medical records for school admission and health certificates for physical education at the Initial, Primary and Secondary levels, was not too complex.

Those interested in obtaining the documents contacted those who carried them out through Facebook and WhatsApp, and

in exchange for $1,500 they received the papers

with blank personal data, but the signatures and seals of a doctor, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, and a speech therapist. .

Sale, in this sense, explained that the medical records are required to adopt "preventive behavior" in the face of the eventual physical effort that students could eventually make in the framework of their school activity.

"The health of children is being endangered," said the president of the Tucumán Medical College, Héctor Sale.

Photo Ministry of Public Health Tucumán.

"Cardiovascular and respiratory examinations, in this sense, are

check-ups that must necessarily be carried out

," he added.

As clarified, the Provincial Health Service offers this service free of charge, although there are also private health centers that charge a certain amount to carry it out.

The medical records, according to what the Tucuman Ministry of Education reflects on its website, are used "only for admission to the educational institution for the first time" and must be "signed and sealed by competent health professionals -both public as private.

Meanwhile, he clarifies, the health certificate is submitted annually, until March 30 of each year, with the same requirements as the previous document.

"You can't play with the health of the boys"

For his part, the head of the General Directorate of Sanitary Inspection of the Provincial Health System (Siprosa), Orlando Di Marco, did not hide his discomfort at the situation and stated: "You cannot play with the health of the children."

As reflected in 

La Gaceta

, Di Marco highlighted the importance of the studies that must be carried out to complete the documents, arguing that "cadres can be detected that only qualified personnel can identify."

The medical records are used "only for admission to the educational institution for the first time." Health certificates are presented annually. Photo Ministry of Public Health Tucumán.

The head of Siprosa, who closely follows this kind of illegal offers, also assured that this not only represents "a computer crime" but also

"a crime against health"


"There are people who, for convenience and to make an easy process, adhere to this situation and are deceived, with the risk that it implies," he stressed.


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