The Limited Times

Ukraine, Biden: I don't think Putin is going to use the atomic bomb

2/22/2023, 11:08:13 PM

Guterres at the general assembly: 'The invasion of Ukraine is an affront to the collective conscience'. 'A battle is underway in Ukraine for our people': the tsar's speech after meeting with Wang Yi (ANSA)

Joe Biden doesn't believe "Putin is going to use a nuclear weapon", yet suspending the START treaty was an "irresponsible act" and a grave mistake.

The American president said so in an interview with the ABC in Warsaw.

It was a big mistake" to suspend the treaty on nuclear weapons, the American president reiterated in the interview granted before leaving Poland. "But I don't think Putin is thinking of using nuclear weapons", underlined Biden who he is said to be "confident that he can sort this out".

Genocide: this is the accusation launched against Russia by Foreign Minister

Dmytro Kuleba

as he introduced the resolution for a just peace in his country after the invasion of Moscow to the general assembly.

"The principle of territorial integrity cannot be compromised

. With the support of the world, Ukraine can restore this principle".

This was stated by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba at the UN General Assembly.

"Never in recent history has the line between good and evil been so clear - he continued -. We know what we are fighting for, we defend our land and our home. This is the moment to show that you are for the UN Charter".

Of the same opinion also the general secretary of the UN Guterres.

“The one-year mark since the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a sad milestone.

The invasion is an affront to our collective conscience, a violation of the UN Charter and international law. The Russian attack defies fundamental principles and values of our multilateral system".

This was stated by the secretary general Antonio Guterres in the General Assembly.

"Today the prospects may seem bleak, but a lasting peace must be based on the UN Charter-he added-The longer the fighting continues, the more difficult this job will be".

 Meanwhile, the head of diplomacy of the Chinese Communist Party Wang Yi expressed to Russian President Vladimir Putin "his appreciation for the reconfirmation of Moscow's willingness to resolve the Ukraine issue through dialogue and negotiation"


This was reported in a note released by Beijing's diplomacy, on today's meeting between the two.

"China, as always, will maintain an objective and fair position and play a constructive role in the political resolution of the crisis", adds the text.

The China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Coordination Partnership "is never aimed at a third party, nor is it subject to interference by a third party, let alone coercion by a third party," Wang added, according to which the bilateral relations "have

a solid political, economic and civilizational basis", in the midst of "the multipolarization of the world and the democratization of international relations which we jointly support in accordance with the development of the times and the wishes of most countries".

   China therefore

"is willing to work with Russia to maintain strategic focus, deepen mutual political trust, strengthen strategic coordination, expand practical cooperation,

safeguard the legitimate interests of the two countries, and play a constructive role in promoting of peace and development in the world".

Russian-Chinese relations "stabilize the international situation",

assured the Russian president on his part,

   After the meeting with Wang

Putin he spoke at the patriotic concert at the Lushniki stadium in Moscow.

"In Ukraine - he said - a battle is going on" at our historical borders for our people ". "All our people - he added - are defenders of the fatherland ".

Putin: 'The relationship with China stabilizes the international situation'

Putin rescinded a 2012 decree that in part upheld Moldova's sovereignty

as part of policies over the future of Transnistria, a Moscow-backed breakaway region that borders Ukraine and where Russia has troops.

The Guardian reports it.

The decree, which included a Moldovan component, outlined Russia's 11-year-old foreign policy that presupposed closer relations with the EU and the US.

The revocation was published on the Kremlin's website and said the decision was taken to "ensure Russian interests in relation to changes in international relations".

In the same hours

the Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament and, immediately after, the upper house, approved the suspension of the New Start nuclear treaty with the USA for the limitation of nuclear weapons.

The law, approved unanimously, will enter into force at the time of publication.

ANSA Agency

Putin's nuclear arsenal, nearly 6,000 warheads - Europe

It is the largest in the world, the United States has 5,428 

In the morning, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev



"Russia," he said, "will be torn apart if it interrupts the special operation without winning. If the United States stops supplying the Kiev regime with weapons, the war will end."

"If the US wants Russia defeated, then

we have the right to defend ourselves with any weapon, including nuclear

: it is obvious to all reasonable forces that if the US wants Russia defeated, then we are on the verge of a global conflict", he added, explaining that

 the time has come to include the strategic nuclear arsenals of Great Britain and France in the Treaty

of reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons (New START), "the suspension (so far) is linked precisely to this", said the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, as reported by the Tass.

ANSA Agency

Putin: "Tests on nuclear weapons if the US does them first" - World

"Our existence is at stake. Moscow wanted a peaceful solution in Ukraine to avoid military intervention, but the West was playing "with false cards to deceive us". So the Russian president told the Federal Assembly. And he mentions aid to Italy on Covid: "We know how to be friends". The reply from the USA. (ANSA)

Meanwhile, CNN reports that

Russia carried out a test of an ICBM

- SARMAT, nicknamed Satan II - which appears to have failed on Monday,

as President Joe Biden was about to arrive in Ukraine

, according to two US officials close to the dossier .

Cnn reports it.

Russia has given advance notice to the United States of the launch across deconfliction lines.

Another official said the test posed no risk to the US and was not considered an escalation.

President Putin made no mention of the launch in yesterday's speech.

The SARMAT carries nuclear warheads.

The timing of the test suggests that the United States and Russia were communicating through different channels earlier in the week for deconfliction purposes.

US officials notified the Russians on Sunday evening, hours before Biden's visit to Kiev, that the president would be traveling to the Ukrainian capital, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Monday.

The Sarmat missile has already been successfully tested in the past: according to US officials, if Monday's test was successful, Russian President Vladimir Putin would have emphasized it in his State of the Nation address yesterday.

Instead, Putin made no mention of the launch.

CNN had initially reported that the test took place while Biden was in Ukraine, based on information provided by some sources, but one of the officials later said that the test took place shortly before Biden was in the country.

And a second source specified that the test had been carried out on Monday, without providing a more precise timing.

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