The Limited Times

A topic that nobody cares about: the drama of education and politicians who look the other way

2/24/2023, 11:50:46 PM

The figures for school dropouts are alarming. As much as where education is located in a survey with the main problems of the country. Can you win an election by talking only about education?

"All problems are education problems."

 "The word 'democracy is a mockery if the government postpones or neglects to train the citizen."

Domingo F. Sarmiento

This issue doesn't matter to anyone.

Nobody understands that without education there is no country.

Could it be this state of anomie?

For politics, education happens in the long term, it exceeds electoral turns.

In its latest survey, Management & Fit asked what was considered

the main problem in Argentina

: 49% answered that it was inflation, 28% said it was corruption, 7% poverty, 5% insecurity and 4% unemployment.

Only 3% answered that it was

failures in education


"Nobody can win an election by talking only about education, but they could do it by talking only about the economy," Mariel Fornoni, director of Management, told



In 2021 Sergio Siciliano -now a Buenos Aires deputy, former Vice Minister of Education of the Vidal administration- presented a project to declare an

educational emergency

in the Province.

He was never discussed, not even in the Education Commission of the Buenos Aires Legislature, which has only met six times in the last three years.

High school dropout is progressive and is increasing: today almost half of the students who start it end up dropping out.

Already in the 2010 census there were 3 million boys who had not finished high school and 1,700,000 who had not finished their primary studies either.

In the Province, 7 out of 10 boys are below the poverty line.

I have to repeat it: in 2010 there were almost five million kids in the province of Buenos Aires who had dropped out of school.

Five million people represent the entire population of the provinces of Córdoba, Santa Fe and a part of Tucumán.

I know this doesn't matter to anyone, but think about that comparison for a second: five million kids who don't understand what they read and who can't solve simple problems and 

whose aspirational model is L-Ghent


Since this doesn't matter to anyone, I want you to also think about what happens with the teachers: “Today there are teachers in charge of a classroom -says Siciliano- who

barely completed half of the race


The training of a teacher requires four years, but the majority of the students finish the race in six, and although they study didactics of mathematics and language, they do not have language or mathematics.

They lack academic training on the subjects


According to Argentinos por la Educación, in the last 15 years the access of young people to quality work has been reduced.

Step from 40% in 2006 to 33% today.

Nationwide, of every 100 students who start school in first grade, only 16 finish high school on schedule.

In the city of Buenos Aires, 33% finish it, in San Juan 8%, in Catamarca and Corrientes 7%, in Misiones 6% and in Chaco, Formosa and Santiago del Estero 5%. 

According to data from August 2022 from the National Ministry of Education,

half of the country's public schools do not have Internet access


In the Frente de Todos it is the unions that have the singing voice.

In Juntos, the four foundations that represent federal Peronism, the PRO, the UCR and the Civic Coalition reached a common diagnosis but did not agree on the measures to be taken.

Javier Milei proposed suspending free public education and replacing it with a scholarship system.

He also argued in interviews that

he was against compulsory education, and that each family could decide whether or not to send their children to school


This is a very brief summary of this situation that nobody is interested in.

And one more thing: classes start on Monday.

look also

Classes have not yet started and 18 provinces already know that they will not comply with the 190 days

ChatGPT at school: the teachers' plan to prevent it from being another "Bum's Corner"