The Limited Times

Annalena Baerbock before the UN Security Council to Russia: "Submission is not peace"

2/24/2023, 6:33:14 PM

Foreign Minister Baerbock condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the UN Security Council meeting. China indirectly accused them of ignoring who was the source of the aggression.

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Annalena Baerbock speaking to the UN Security Council


Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has condemned the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine before the UN Security Council - and indirectly criticized China's push to end the war.

"Submission is not peace," Baerbock said.

Directly towards Russia, she said: “Your tanks didn't bring water, your planes didn't drop baby food.

Their tanks and planes brought destruction and death day and night.” The UN Security Council meets to mark the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Baerbock further said that with the resolution supported by 141 states on Thursday, the UN General Assembly had presented a peace plan based on the UN Charter.

Any further push for peace plans by members of the Security Council is valuable, said Baerbock, apparently referring to China's initiative.

But one should not ignore who the aggressor is.

“Not naming the aggressor would mean living in a world ruled by the more powerful.” In such a world, countries would have to fear attacks from their stronger neighbors, said Baerbock.

Nobody could want that.

She stressed that Ukraine has the right to defend itself.

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Thursday condemning Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and insisting on an end to the fighting.

141 countries voted in favor, including Russia, only seven countries voted against.

The rest abstained.

The resolution is not binding, but was considered a mood test for Russia's war of aggression.

Baerbock had rated the large majority as an important signal.

The result shows: "With its war policy, Russia is just as isolated as it was a year ago," said the Green politician in New York.

"The world wants peace," the states had made that clear, said Baerbock.

"And we stand together against the breach of international law."

On Friday, on the fringes of the UN meeting, the Foreign Minister accused China of not exerting enough pressure on the Kremlin.

The background is that China published its own paper on peace on Friday.

Baerbock said the resolution, supported by 141 UN countries, was a real peace plan that relied on the withdrawal of Russian troops.

China could have “used its influence over Russia to convince it of this plan.

Those who speak of peace must not mean submission.

Whoever equates aggressor and victim does not create peace, but rewards violence.

That would be the way to a different world order, where the law of the strongest applies,” she warned.
