The Limited Times

La Semaine du FigaroVox - "The war in Ukraine, one year later"

2/24/2023, 10:44:40 PM

Find every Saturday the selection of FigaroVox: decryptions, points of view and controversies. Dear subscribers, On February 24, 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine, on the orders of Vladimir Putin. A year after the start of the conflict, FigaroVox gave the floor to specialists, but also to philosophers, historians, writers, to shed light, each in their own way, on this war which changed the world. In an attempt to understand this invasion, which was a stunner for the West, many commenta

Dear subscribers,

On February 24, 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine, on the orders of Vladimir Putin.

A year after the start of the conflict, FigaroVox gave the floor to specialists, but also to philosophers, historians, writers, to shed light, each in their own way, on this war which changed the world.

In an attempt to understand this invasion, which was a stunner for the West, many commentators have pointed to NATO's race to the East as a factor in the start of the war.

Hubert Védrine and Jean-François Colosimo take issue with this accusation.

For the historian of religions, the sole responsibility lies with the Russian president: “

Vladimir Putin is inconsolable at the loss of the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


its DNA is that of the totalitarian pairing between ideology and crime

”, he believes.

Besides, whatever it claims, Russia recognizes it, since it is not attacking NATO

”, adds…

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