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The 'Forbidden Planet': NASA discovered an unusual Jupiter-sized star that amazes scientists

2/24/2023, 10:50:45 PM

It was found by a satellite and is 270 light years from Earth. It is hosted by a dwarf star, which "challenges theories about how" celestial bodies are created.

After nearly five years of searching for planets ,


's Transiting Exoplanet

Survey Satellite

(TESS) astronomers found a Jupiter-sized planet outside our solar system and

dubbed it "The Forbidden Planet

. "

The curious thing about the chosen name is that it is

the same as that of a

1956 film, a science fiction recreation of The Tempest, by William Shakespeare in 1611. A tribute is presumed in the choice.

In the film, which takes place at the beginning of the 23rd century, the United Planets Cruiser C-57-D is sent to the planet Altair IV in the Altair star system, sixteen light-years from Earth, to find out what happened to a expedition sent 20 years earlier.

In the 21st century, in the NASA laboratories, for now,

it is only about science


It is located

280 light years from Earth

and its

scientific name is TOI 5205b



its characteristics

attract the attention of the world of science.

The "Forbidden Planet" equals Jupiter in dimensions, the largest and fifth most distant of those that make up our solar system, It

orbits a red dwarf star

called TOI-5205, according to CNN, which is equivalent to

40% of the size and the mass of our sun


Its temperature of about

3,127 degrees Celsius, cooler, 

compared to the Sun's blazing average of 5,527 degrees.

In the report published by

The Astronomical Journal

, its author, Shubham Kanodia, says: "The host star, TOI-5205, is about four times the size of Jupiter, but somehow managed to form a Jupiter-sized planet,

which It's pretty amazing


The "Forbidden Planet".

Illustration by Katherine Cain/Carnegie Institution for Science/CNN

To plot the sizes of the discovered exoplanet and its host star, the researchers chose the figure of

a pea circling a lemon


In the solar system that integrates the Earth, the proportion would be that of a pea around a grapefruit, which would become our source of light and energy.

Why the "Forbidden" challenges the theories of how planets and stars are formed

As reported by the same American network, the discovery

challenges theories about the formation of celestial bodies


Stars form

from massive clouds of gas and dust

in space.

The material left over from the formation swirls around and creates

a "spinning disk" where planets are born


"The existence of TOI-5205b


what we know about the disks in which these planets are born," Kanodia said.

“At first,

if there is not enough rocky material

in the disk to form the initial core, then a gas giant planet cannot form.

And in the end,

if the disk evaporates

before the massive core is formed, then a gas giant planet cannot form," explains the specialist. And yet, he stresses that "TOI-5205b was formed

despite these barriers


"Based on our current nominal understanding of planet formation, TOI-5205b

should not exist

; it is a 'forbidden' planet."


James Webb Space Telescope will be the tool from now on

to expand knowledge about the brand new object of study, while there are already signs of more planets similar to this one that "is

atypical, but not unique

," according to Kanodia.


February 16

, the creator of the discovery posted on his Twitter account: "I am

excited to announce the discovery


His account has just 366 followers and his message was boosted by that of the Carnegie Institution for Science, which through the same social network reinforced the idea that "his findings challenge entrenched ideas about the formation


planets ".


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