The Limited Times

They found the largest collection of gold and silver from the time of the Black Death

2/24/2023, 6:20:42 PM

The discovery was called 'Hambleden Hoard' and it is about more than 600 coins from the era of Edward III.

In the United Kingdom, the largest haul of gold and silver coins in the last 10 years was found in an unconventional way.

If we think of big discoveries, big research teams and so on come to mind.

It was not the case.

The find from the time of Edward III

included 626 coins and 12 gilt nobles


Seven friends, fond of adventures, were the protagonists of this story and named the landmark as

Hambleden Hoard


They did not even dream of finding such a relic, they were used to digging up shotgun cartridges and other minor things.

When visualizing the first coin, the group of friends, for almost 4 days, found more than 600 silver coins and 12 gold coins.

The expedition team consists of Andrew Winter, Dom Rapley, Eryk Wierucki, Jaroslaw Giedyna, Dariusz Fijalkowski and the brothers Tobiasz and Mateusz Nowak.

The find belongs to the time of the Black Death.

fame has arrived

The story transcended and in an investigation carried out by the Beaconsfield Coroner's Court, it was corroborated that the treasure met the necessary requirements to be called a historical find.

According to the Daily Star, anything over three coins is considered a "treasure", which means it must be declared to the organizers.

The silver coins in the find come from medieval times.

Dariusz Fijalkowski, one of the protagonists of this incredible discovery, said: "When I found the coins I was screaming a lot because I was very excited, maybe I should have kept quiet, but I was so happy. For me only those coins were special. They are small pieces of silver and also a piece of history. I still can't believe it."

look too

He went to the doctor for an alleged pimple on his face and was diagnosed with a terminal illness

A young soccer player went to the doctor for the flu and they had to amputate his legs