The Limited Times

Tips to survive the first date (and reach the second)

2/24/2023, 6:08:58 PM

The first meeting is usually dominated by nerves and anxiety, what can we do to avoid them? Rexona gives you the answer.

How to carry on a tense moment, but that can open the door to other wonderful ones


first date

should rank among the

situations that generate the most stress for us.


Break away?

Child's play in front of what we must face in that situation.

Especially in these times of networks and applications to meet people, when everything seems to be more complicated than that math test we took when we entered high school.

Our hearts beat faster, and lots of questions arise in our heads: Is what I said right?

Shall I come a little closer?

Will the same thing happen to him as to me?

Did he delay or not to come?

Will he like me too?

What will he notice in my gaze?

Will he feel the same?

Anxiety and nerves, of course, usually play a trick on us, so we must try to control them

Although it is true that "evil for many, consolation for fools", knowing that in this situation both parties are on an equal footing, reassures a bit.

While nerves are unlikely to go away, there are some things we can do to minimize them.

Rexona Clinical was born with the idea of ​​helping us feel better and protected

in the most difficult moments.

Precisely, for this reason it provides three times more protection than a common antiperspirant and prevents bad odor, something that we definitely want to avoid in a first encounter.

But, in addition to relying on a product that provides us with greater confidence and security, there are other issues that should be taken into account to successfully pass that moment.

Although each one will live that unique (but unique and attractive) experience in a different way,

some tips may be useful:

1.Keep it simple


As the Americans say, make it easy, don't mess with Chinese programs and expect to control everything.

The best thing is to let things flow, let yourself go and make room for improvisation.

A glass of wine, a coffee or a drink in a nice place where you can talk and don't have to yell at each other because of the loud music, is the ideal environment for a first time.

In this age of applications, chats and virtual conversations, meeting face to face is quite a challenge.

2. Limit the chat.

In times of virtual meetings, you have to get to the point.

After one or two messages, it is best to combine to see each other and not accumulate anxiety after spending three weeks of daily chats.

Trust your instinct, if it seems to give, go ahead.

Many times for fear of breaking the spell or internal ghosts, we delay a situation because we are afraid of failure.

What if we see each other and it's a fiasco?

Well, if so, it will be the same after taking several weeks without defining the situation.

3. The previous one.

A little preparation never hurts, at first reviewing certain topics with which we feel comfortable and are harmless, serves to prepare the ground and overcome potholes that may appear in the conversation.

Start with a what do you think of the war in Europe?

or Should there be a death penalty?

They are a little strong questions for the first date.

Cinema, books, hobbies, food are topics that help build the image of the other and give us clues.

Being yourself, being relaxed, looking for common ground, talking and knowing how to listen, are positive attitudes for a first date.

4. Talk but also listen


Sometimes in an effort to avoid awkward silences we suffer from verbal incontinence and thus, without much filter, we can say anything.

We must also give space to silence, look for the look, the pause, a smile to find that internal place of calm and be able to transmit it.

5. Comfort above all.


In principle, not wearing clothes that you have to fix every two minutes;

and a deodorant that allows us to counteract the extreme sweating that we have in moments of nerves and anxiety like… that first date is essential!

Rexona Clinical generates a micro shield that blocks sweat and leaves a feeling of freshness for longer.

Feeling good with what we are wearing and relaxed knowing that we are not going to have wet clothes with perspiration, increases confidence and helps to have a better time.

With greater comfort and protection: Rexona also accompanies us in these situations

6. Keep expectations at a moderate level


If before leaving you are already thinking about the name that you are going to give your children or the dog when they live together, we start off badly.

You have to go through the first date, it's like taking a bandage off a wound: you have to do it quickly and without thinking too much.

But it is important to enjoy it because it is not repeated.

7. Stay true to yourself.

It is not necessary to invent an image according to what we believe the other wants, we must not accept situations that we do not like, we must say what we think and, if you are not having a good time, kiss on the cheek goodbye and each one to their own home.

That life is short and there is no time to waste time.

We will surely find a new opportunity, with someone else.

If not this time, it will be another.

There is always the possibility of meeting someone who makes us feel good

The Italian poet and composer Arrigo Boito already wrote it in his opera Falstaff, “when I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew it”.

When it happens, love hits us like lightning, we feel it in our guts and we will never forget it again.

Although something beautiful is probably waiting for us, we have to

go through those first moments that can make us nervous


And it is in those moments when you can trust Rexona, who not only accompanies you but also does not abandon you.

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