The Limited Times

Victoria Tolosa Paz announced changes in the control of social plans and the rope with the piqueteros is more tense

2/24/2023, 11:56:41 PM

To encourage 700,000 beneficiaries to finish their studies, the educational centers will issue the certificates that until now were controlled by the social movements.

The Minister of Social Development

Victoria Tolosa Paz

announced changes in the requirements for the certification of those who receive social plans and choose as consideration

to finish their studies

instead of working in socio-community or socio-productive tasks.

The decision generated a

harsh response from the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy

(UTEP), which later backtracked and revealed internal differences within the social movements of the ruling party.

Up to now, the

management units

 -in the hands of the

social organizations-

were responsible for carrying out the controls of the

more than 1,200,000 beneficiaries

of Potenciar Trabajo.

With the decision of Tolosa Paz and the launch of the campaign "

Go back to study

" of the ministries of Social Development and Education, the

certification will depend on the educational establishments

to which the interested parties register, which must present this certificate through a APP.

Transfers from the Empowerment consume half of the Ministry's Budget.

“The effort we have to make is for them to study, because we know that the first step for labor inclusion is educational inclusion.

This brings tensions

, because it is clearly beginning to see a look at

sharing the certifications

they certify the Management Units and certifies the educational system, what is the certificate of which it is worth?

The one who gives me the school

”, he told


Tolosa Paz, after an extensive presentation in his ministry.


electronic audit

to validate the identity of the beneficiaries showed that

there are more than 770,000 beneficiaries who did not finish their studies


One hundred thirty-two thousand couldn't even complete primary school



% of the total are women


almost 60% are mothers and young people


79.2% of the total stated that they want to finish their studies and 56% are very interested.

"If you choose to study,

your only consideration will be to study, as established in the program

," said the minister minutes after leftist picketers from the Polo Obrero Tendencia held a demonstration on July 9.

The decision that had been worked on for a month generated noise among the social organizations that hold positions in the ministry and have a strong foothold in UTEP.

The head of Evita and secretary of Social Economy, in charge of Empowering,

Emilio Pérsico,

opposed the measure.

I am not satisfied

”, he stated in

the presentation of his new

Patria de Los Comunes party.

There he also evoked the Pope and recalled that without plans, "

poverty would reach 52%

" and defined the Social Development Portfolio that he integrates as "

the ministry of band-aids


Much harsher had been the statement that UTEP released on networks on Thursday night.

“Once again the minister seeks to give empty announcements to

launch herself as a candidate


Now they want to hold school directors and teachers responsible for the guarantee of the Potenciar payment”, indicated the text that

was eliminated

over the course of hours .

The retreat of the organization led by the leader of Evita

Estaban "Gringo" Castro , where the MTE of

Juan Grabois

also stomps

, was due to the exploration of

a truce with a reserved prognosis

, but also to the

internal differences

of the informal workers union .

“I absolutely agree that it is optional to participate in a socio-productive, socio-community or educational terminability project.

My concern is that for community and productive projects there must be tools and

for education projects there must be space.


People do not have to be hostage to anyone: neither the State nor the organizations nor the municipal leaders”, Grabois told this newspaper.

Despite the fact that the new presidential candidate, who is on leave from UTEP, is not the most enthusiastic defender of Tolosa Paz, he marked differences with his allies.

Persico minimized them.

“With Juan we have the most important agreement;

in the social ”, he had said earlier.

In Evita, they point out that the change in Potenciar's policy is "worse" than in the days of

Carolina Stanley

and they are confident that -as has already happened with other changes in the program- there will be tension and an official reversal.

It is the organization feints and backslides

”, they paraphrase Cristina Kirchner.

In the environment of the minister, who has already made official the cancellation of 100,000 plans to beneficiaries who did not validate their identity, they believe that the organizations will not advance against an educational program.

In the Government they also relativize the productive nature of the star social program of the Executive.

Remember that only 300,000 beneficiaries are engaged in productive management units.

According to their own surveys, the vast majority carry out socio-community tasks in canteens and picnic areas.