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“We are a beautiful bunch of hypocrites”: Géraldine Maillet bounces back on the treatment of the Pierre Palmade affair in “Touche pas à mon poste”

2/27/2023, 8:51:58 PM

VIDEO – The columnist comments in "TPMP" on the recent statements of Roselyne Bachelot and Yann Moix on the comedian's accident.

Since February 10, the

Pierre Palmade

affair has been mentioned in all the media.

The comedian was driving his car while he had consumed cocaine and substitution drugs before causing an accident with another vehicle carrying a family.

The Paris Court of Appeal has ordered the provisional detention of Pierre Palmade who remains in Bicêtre hospital, due to his state of health.

This weekend, the comedian suffered a stroke.

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This Monday, February 27, "Do not touch my post" once again commented on the new elements which swell the file day after day.

An editorial line that allows C8 talk to beat its audience records.

This evening, the columnists are invited to bounce back on the declaration of Roselyne Bachelot which associates the media treatment of this news item with the expression of a "

hatred of the rich in resonance with everything that is happening in France, the hatred of billionaires , hatred of people who have money


“He decimated a family, he must pay”

“She is next to the plate.

The philosophical digressions on Palmade, we have nothing to do.

He decimated a family, he has to pay, period”

declares Guillaume Genton.

His opinion is joined by the majority of the table.

Until a voice rises.

“We are a beautiful band of hypocrites”

then launches Géraldine Maillet.

"We've been talking about him for a fortnight and we're talking about him because he's famous, because he was kind of wealthy, because we adored him, because we applauded him, because 'he made us laugh and because it is an extraordinary news item, in the sense that it is horrible of the term,'

she continues before adding,

'we talk more about Palmade than about the victims'


It is, according to Guillaume Genton,

"the other side of the coin of being known"


Statement by Yann Moix

Another statement has sparked comments in recent hours, that of Yann Moix on Saturday evening in "What an era!".

Faced with Léa Salamé, he had affirmed that Pierre Palmade

“will never take his own life, he loves himself too much for that”


Severe words that caused discomfort on the set of France 2. Again, it is Géraldine Maillet who intervenes on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste”: “He is a

prisoner of his talent Yann Moix.

I did not like at all how he approached this news item


Read also "He will never kill himself, he loves himself too much for that": Yann Moix severe with Pierre Palmade, discomfort on the set of "What time!"

She develops:

“He says that we talk too much about this news item, but he comes on a TV set to talk about it for half an hour.

He makes the article that we talk about it too much by doing exactly the same thing as the others.

By showing that he is far above the others, far more brilliant, that he understands better than the others


“He always has a little shocking formulas to shock the housewife,”

she analyzes.

Cyril Hanouna then informs viewers that he has invited Yann Moix for his show of the day, but the writer refused because he believes he has spoken enough about the case this weekend on France Télévisions.