The Limited Times

Finally, the government invited the Court to the opening of sessions but the ministers have not yet decided if they will go

2/27/2023, 11:33:49 PM

Less than 48 hours after the act, the invitation reached the Courts. This Tuesday after the oath of the three senators who are going to the Magistracy, the ministers will discuss what to do.

After going back and forth and lobbying, late this Monday afternoon

the government extended the invitation to the four ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice

for the opening ceremony of the ordinary sessions of Congress, which will take place less 48 hours later, this Wednesday, March 1.

None of the magistrates were left on the fourth floor of the Palace of Courts, who

until now have not decided

if they will be present in Congress to attend the Legislative Assembly.

With one of the few protocol dates that is repeated year after year, the game of pressure and uncertainty between



and doctors

Horacio Rosatti, Carlos Rosenkrantz, Juan Carlos Maqueda and Ricardo Lorenzetti

already resembles that car race towards the void portrayed in the movie Rebel Without a Cause, in which the last driver to jump out of the car before falling off the cliff won.

Without James Dean at the wheel, both the government and the Court postponed the definitions until the edge of the presentable, while the ruling party continues in Deputies with an increasingly bizarre process of hearings prior to the impeachment of the entire Court, which


themselves and others know that it will never be carried out.

Ignoring Machiavelli's advice, this attempt to prosecute them all ended up

galvanizing a unity that did not exist in the Court

 until Cristina Kirchner ordered the massive charge against the court of last instance that will end up

reviewing the sentences in the large corruption cases

that have her as the protagonist.

The decision of the highest judges will be discussed face to face in the Agreement session that they will hold this Tuesday after the swearing in as advisors to the Magistracy of three senators: the Peronists

María Inés Pilatti Vergara and Mariano Recalde

, and the radical

Eduardo Alejandro Vischi

, which will be held at 10 with a brief ceremony in the Bermejo room of the Palacio de Tribunales, which only family members and guests invited by the Court may attend.

That oath is another of the milestones in the open war between the judges and Kirchnerism.

Last week, after a letter drafted in harsh terms by the three Peronist senators who intended to enter the Magistracy -Pilatti, Recalde and Martín Doñate- to speed up that appointment, the Court responded that only two of them had been legitimately elected by his block, and that the chair in which Doñate seeks to sit is also sought -with a previous ruling of the same Court in his favor- by

Luis Juez from Cordoba.

Days later, the court chaired by Rosatti confirmed the act of incorporation of the senators for this Tuesday, and rescheduled the meeting of the ministers for the end of the act of the Magistracy.

In addition to the agenda provided by the secretaries, at that meeting the judges

will decide what to do on March 1

in response to the invitation to listen to Alberto Fernández's speech before the legislators, in which there will surely

be some stick for them.

The incorporation into the Magistracy of three of the four senators who, according to current law -answered precisely by a Court ruling that in December 2021 ended the design of former senator Cristina Kirchner for the Council- will leave the body with nineteen

of its twenty active members,

and possibly unlock the paralysis in which it has been maintained since last year.

look also

Social movements turn their backs on Alberto Fernández for the opening of sessions of Congress

look also

Albertismo's attempt to use the act of March 1 to promote the re-election of the President