The Limited Times

José Ramón Cossío: López Obrador is selective and does not remember that I voted against his violation

2/27/2023, 9:39:53 PM

José Ramón Cossío, retired minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico, responds to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who this Monday | Latin America | CNN

José Ramón Cossío, retired minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico, responds to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who on Monday described him as "a fake lawyer" who held office "in the middle of the narco-State", supported by the Former President Felipe Calderón.

In an interview with Carmen Aristegui, Cossío described what the president said as an attack strategy against him for being one of the speakers at the march in favor of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Cossío also reminded López Obrador that he voted against the impeachment when López Obrador was head of the Government of Mexico City.