The Limited Times

Olympic Games 2024: French justice is already preparing for an unprecedented upsurge in crime

2/27/2023, 7:39:51 PM

Theater of serious incidents during the European Cup final Liverpool-Real Madrid last year, Seine-Saint-Denis will once again be in the front row.


The party must be able to remain the party."

This formula shared by the attorneys general of Paris and Aix-en-Provence will be "the mantra" of the judicial institution for the 2024 Olympic Games. Paris, Versailles and Marseille will be on the front line during this planetary event.

Eighteen months before the opening ceremony hangs over these jurisdictions, the shadow of the bitter security failure of the 2022 Champions League final. There is therefore no question of spoiling this major meeting.

The file is directly piloted by the directorate of criminal affairs and pardons, the three courts of appeal most concerned, in conjunction with the Paris police headquarters.

The latter has already imposed a prophylactic component, which has started: the “zero delinquency” plan which aims to stem general delinquency on the public highway with a first message of severity.

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