The Limited Times

MKs from the Likud and the state camp: "Respond to the President's invitation" | Israel Hayom

3/1/2023, 6:46:28 PM

Members of Knesset Yuli Edelstein, Gadi Eisenkot, Hili Trooper and Danny Danon in a joint statement: "Time for mutual guarantee". We, the undersigned, members of the Knesset from various factions, who have the good of the State of Israel at the forefront of our minds, undertake to do everything to preserve the common home. The State of Israel is currently facing many and complex challenges in th

Members of Knesset Yuli Edelstein, Gadi Eisenkot, Hili Trooper and Danny Danon in a joint statement: "Time for mutual guarantee".

We, the undersigned, members of the Knesset from various factions, who have the good of the State of Israel at the forefront of our minds, undertake to do everything to preserve the common home.

The State of Israel is currently facing many and complex challenges in the fields of society, the economy and its international status and is facing severe attacks and security challenges more serious than ever before.

Above all of these hovers, like a gloomy shadow, the difficult controversy that tears and divides the public in Israel regarding the various proposals concerning the Israeli justice system.

We have no doubt that although the disputes are difficult, we must act in every way to reach broad agreements.

It is an obligation for all of us as representatives of the public and its elected representatives, to act immediately to settle disputes and reach agreements and above all to stop the danger of disintegration that lies before us as a society and as a country.

All that is required is to respond to the President's invitation and hold a discussion based on the principles of the outline he proposed.

We call on all members of the House to support in this way and respond to the call of the President of the State.

Member of Knesset Yuli Edelstein

Member of Knesset Gadi Eisenkot

Member of Knesset Hili Trooper

Member of Knesset Danny Danon

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