The Limited Times

Bank manager steals 400 thousand euros from the account of a disabled person

3/2/2023, 3:10:52 PM

Ordered the seizure of assets for the equivalent value. The man is accused of theft and self-laundering (ANSA)

 Taking advantage of his role as bank manager, he would have withdrawn around 400 thousand euros from the current accounts of a disabled person in the Trapani area.

This is the accusation against a 62-year-old by the prosecutor who ordered the seizure of assets for an equivalent amount.

The provision was carried out by the Guardia di Finanza.

The suspect, accused of aggravated theft and self-laundering, terminated his employment relationship with his company after the lender had suspended him.

The investigations had begun after the special unit of the currency police reported suspicious transactions for "unjustified" movements from the current accounts of a disabled person.

In particular, between 2017 and 2021, over 400 thousand euros had been withdrawn in cash.

According to the prosecution, it was the suspect who carried them out, taking advantage of his duties as director and investment manager of private clients.

Investigations by the Guardia di Finanza revealed that the 62-year-old would have chosen the victim from among the wealthiest and most 'fragile' clients on the island, gaining their trust.

Thus, it is the thesis of the Prosecutor of Trapani, he would have arbitrarily simulated the signing of investment policies,

In order to do this, he would also have created bank documents and proxies to operate with false subscriptions and opened bank accounts unknown to the victim.

Furthermore, on many occasions, to make illicit withdrawals, he allegedly misused the credentials of other bank colleagues.

The investigations are still ongoing with regard to the investigation of the position of various subjects on the current accounts through which the sums withdrawn from the victim passed, as well as on the reconstruction of the financial flows used by the suspect for the purchase of the seized property.

The sums stolen from the fraudulent's current account, hypothesizes the Trapani prosecutor's office, may have been transferred to third parties and used in illegal activities. 

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