The Limited Times

“#MeToo-feminism is a clean slate ideology”

3/3/2023, 7:29:14 PM

INTERVIEW – In a powerful new essay, published this Friday, Les Habits neufs du féminisme (Éditions Intervalles), psychoanalyst and philosopher Sabine Prokhoris analyzes the consequences of the #MeToo movement. She sees in it a diversion of feminist struggles.


- #MeToo-feminism considers itself "

the first serious questioning of patriarchy

", you write.

What are these feminists doing with the struggles of those who preceded them?



Such an assertion, which is not simply naive, wants to see in #MeToo a “cultural revolution”: a clean slate for the advent of a world whose “patriarchy” will have finally been eradicated.

It is not based on a historical and/or sociological analysis of the relations between the sexes - as is the case with Simone de Beauvoir in

Le Deuxieme Sexe,

or with the sociologist Erving Goffman in

L'Arrangement des sexes

-, but on a double (pseudo) theoretical postulate: male domination is “systemic”;

and it is generated by a "narrative" - ​​the "patriarchal" narrative.

In this view, “narrative” is what makes reality, in all its dimensions.

We must therefore substitute a "feminist narrative" for the "patriarchal narrative", through all sorts of mental and political re-education

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