The Limited Times

“They create info with nothing”: Internet users annoyed by the Pierre Palmade affair every evening in “Touche pas à mon poste”

3/3/2023, 9:29:16 PM

TWEETS REVIEW - 'TPMP' viewers are sharing their displeasure on social media. For several weeks, "Touche pas à mon poste" has devoted its last part to the Pierre Palmade affair. With each new element of the investigation, Cyril Hanouna invites a speaker. A former lover, a family member of the vehicle that the comedian hit. Journalists Myriam Palomba and Michel Mary have almost become columnists as their presence on the C8 set is recurrent. If this editorial line ensures "TP

For several weeks, "Touche pas à mon poste" has devoted its last part to the Pierre Palmade affair.

With each new element of the investigation, Cyril Hanouna invites a speaker.

A former lover, a family member of the vehicle that the comedian hit.

Journalists Myriam Palomba and Michel Mary have almost become columnists as their presence on the C8 set is recurrent.

If this editorial line ensures "TPMP" audience records, it begins to annoy some viewers who complain about it on social networks.

We can read on Twitter this Friday, March 3 during the broadcast of the show:

“There is enough of this story.

The same subject every day!!”

or even

“TPMP continues to harp on us about the Palmade affair just to make the hearing”


“Overdose of Palmade.

TPMP when we return to more interesting subjects?


And the victims?

Some caricature the announced summaries of “Do not touch my post”.

They accuse Cyril Hanouna and his team of pressing the subject excessively.

“For 3 weeks, not a show without a sequence on the Palmade affair!

How will TPMP do next week?

A month will start to get long, ”

complains a viewer still on the social network at the blue bird.

Another declares:

"As they create information with nothing..."


Read also“We are a beautiful band of hypocrites”: Géraldine Maillet bounces back on the treatment of the Pierre Palmade affair in “Touche pas à mon poste”

The fact that the guests and the columnists always focus on Pierre Palmade, to the detriment of the victims of the accident, is also a problem for some of the show's faithful: "It

became TPM Palmade"


"Palmade all in the evenings, fed up and the poor people injured in the accident, you have already forgotten them»


An accident that occurred on February 10

On February 10, Pierre Palmade was involved in a road accident.

He was driving his car while using cocaine and substitution drugs.

On the road, he hit another vehicle with a family on board.

An investigation into “

homicide and involuntary injuries resulting in total incapacity for work for more than three months by driver under the influence of narcotics

” is currently underway.

Another investigation was opened by the Paris prosecutor's office a few days later.

A relative of Pierre Palmade accuses him of having child pornography images.

Following a search of his computer and phone, no such content has been found to date.