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(SONA) band.. various performances for the children of the earthquake-affected shelters

3/3/2023, 8:53:15 PM

Aleppo, SANA- Various performances by the Sona Musical Theater troupe for children in the earthquake-affected shelters in Aleppo.


Various performances by the Sona troupe for the children's musical theater in the earthquake-affected shelters in Aleppo, to be its initiative today in

The Shelter Center of Martyr Kreikor and Orujan Ashnaqelian School through the sixth show since the earthquake occurred on the 6th of last February.

The founder of the band, Sona Slokjian, pointed out in a statement to SANA reporter to the role of music and art in getting children out of the situation that surrounds them as a result of the earthquake and spreading optimism in their difficult reality, noting the importance of this type of psychological support for children.

For her part, the volunteer in the troupe and the dance instructor, Serly Kozoyan, said: I have been participating in the work of the Sona troupe since I was a young man with the character of a clown, and I sensed the impact of this initiative on my personality positively, especially since the beginning of the troupe was in the war on Syria, and now we continue in another difficult situation because of the earthquake. But with the same message to make kids happy and add a little sparkle to their innocent world.

Regarding the situation of the center’s children, the supervisor, member of the Aleppo Governorate Council, Antoinette Baladi, said: “The center received 120 children with their families, and the number is subject to increase. An atmosphere of joy away from the shock of the disaster that was imprinted in their memories.

Ohannis Shahrian

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