The Limited Times

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta: "Whoever says that he lifts the stocks on December 11 and everything is solved is a blackmail"

3/3/2023, 6:47:35 PM

'Santa Claus isn't going to come with his wand and we'll solve the problem. It is not serious to say that,' emphasized the Buenos Aires head of government.

The Buenos Aires head of government and presidential candidate for Together for Change,

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta,

affirmed this Friday that it is not possible to lift the stocks in the first days of the next President's administration.


do not believe the one who comes and says I lift the stocks

, a single exchange rate,

on December 11 everything will be solved

. Whoever tells you that

is a blackmail

, there is no other word. Let's speak to people with the truth ", stressed Rodríguez Larreta regarding the Argentine exchange policy.

Along these lines, the PRO leader retorted: "If you say that, you are a liar. If someone comes here and tells you that December 10, as a magical measure, comes and the dollar is solved, we have no more problems, just one guy of change and without stocks... It sounds barbaric, but he is going to seek votes saying that. It's a lie, it's not easy, because if it were easy they would have already done it "

"We have 100% inflation, with which the dollar is out of phase month after month. Obviously we have to tend to a single exchange rate as soon as possible, but let's not fall into the magic that Santa Claus will come on December

11 with the wand and we solve the problem.

It's not serious to say that, it's not true," Rodríguez Larreta highlighted in dialogue with radio


"We have to tend to a single exchange rate as soon as possible," emphasized Rodríguez Larreta.

Photo: Fernando de la Orden


about why it was possible for former President Mauricio Macri to lift the stocks a few days after taking office in 2015, he replied: "It was different. There were reserves in the Central Bank, there were not 15 different exchange rates. No It's the same situation."


To put an end to the dollar problem once and for all, we have to export more

and have more dollars. Today the Argentine agro-export complex means 70% of exports. They have a plan with the food industries to increase that by 50% in a period of government. If we achieve that plus exports of lithium, gas and oil, the problem of the dollar is over forever in Argentina. We must face the issue with profound solutions", he pointed out.

Regarding possible measures for the agro-industrial sector, Rodríguez Larreta stated:

"The countryside must be given predictability,

sustainable reforms over time,

not a soybean dollar for 25 days as the government says,

you have to give them a plan for 25 years".

"Today it could take out very quickly, not to say on the first day, all the withholdings to the regional economies, which would have a federal impact. Second, you could propose a plan from day one to sharply reduce the withholdings on all the new product , to all new exports, because that does not hit you in the fiscal deficit. And we could work more in the long term on a path to reduce withholdings," he listed.

"Let's not trip over the same stone, let's not continue on the path of the fight" 

The leader of Together for Change reiterated his position of closing the gap to "build progress" in Argentina, since

"insisting on the path of fighting

, of antinomy, of extremes or of fanaticism,

the result will be the same: more frustration, more failure".

"If we don't end this thing that the one who doesn't think like me is an enemy that must be exterminated, that you can't speak, that everything the other does is wrong. With that attitude in the last 80 years, that's how we are today The first 40 years between civilians and the military at gunpoint, literally, and the last 40 of democracy where each new President is a founder, where everything the previous one did is a catastrophe and you have to start from scratch. There is no possibility of build progress," he said.

For Rodríguez Larreta, "it is necessary to recognize that there is someone who thinks differently but that in some thing you can reach an agreement", in addition to considering that "it is necessary to recognize that

the party that leaves the government can leave something good"



Let's not stumble over the same stone,"

the PRO leader requested and clarified: "Dialogue is not agreeing, it is not that you have to agree on everything.

There is a healthy democratic debate of ideas

. "

And he concluded:

"I could not agree with Kirchnerism.

They are impeaching the Court [of Justice of the Nation], with the President [Alberto Fernández] accusing the members of the Court the other day in Congress , a government that released prisoners. I would not agree, but I promise that

if I am elected President I will dialogue with all elected governors."

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