The Limited Times

Threatens Messi: 'They don't take care of Rosario. We cannot chase even a motorcycle,' said Javkin and crossed Aníbal Fernández

3/3/2023, 10:35:17 PM

In an interview with Clarín, he maintained that the minister gave a bad message when he stated "drug trafficking won."

Since Thursday morning, when he was informed of the attack on Antonela Roccuzzo's family's business, and of a threat that included Lionel Messi's name and his own, he has not been able to address another



He spoke with the President of the Nation, with the Minister of Security, with the Chief of Staff.

He held meetings with the governor and with opposition figures.

He established contact with Jorge Messi, father of the captain of the Argentine soccer team, and visited José Roccuzzo, owner of the attacked supermarket.

In the midst of the maelstrom, he received the support of figures with whom he has maintained a personal and political distance for a long time, such as Elisa Carrió, a former ally in the days of the Civic Coalition with whom he ended up estranged.

Also from the governor of Santa Fe, the Peronist Omar Perotti.

After analyzing an episode that had international repercussions, and in the midst of the debate generated by the growing wave of insecurity in Rosario, Pablo Javkin, mayor of the city, says that he

suspects "everything"

and hopes that the event will generate, at least,

“a turning point”

to begin to face the urban violence that plagues their territory.

“The reflection is the same as always: the uncertainty that occurs when these events occur has to do with

the impunity with which these events are committed

, without arrests or immediate persecution and without any confrontation after the fact.

No hypothesis must be ruled out, ”he assesses in dialogue with



– Do you find differences with other episodes that happen frequently in Rosario and that are linked to drug-criminal gangs?

– It does not seem to me that it has the characteristics of the other events or the common actions of criminal gangs.

And I think that the progress of the investigation, at least from what has come out, is confirming that for me.

The type of preparation

The gloves, the care.

The characteristics of how the act was committed ratify my suspicion that obviously this cannot be considered only as the hypothesis of a gang.

Does it suggest that there are political intentions?

Do you suspect the involvement of security forces?


I doubt everything.

And I think it's going to be important if the prosecutor can move forward.

I am available to the prosecutor and of course I am considering presenting myself as a plaintiff.

I am mentioned in a note that is a threat to me.

Clearly I want to continue the investigation and I am going to demand clarification of this fact.

– Could you speak with the prosecutor to find out how the investigation is progressing?

-No no.

Not yet.

You have to let it work.

During the early hours of Thursday they shot at the Único supermarket.

The place belongs to the Antonela Roccuzzo family. Photo: Juan José García

–Did you speak with Messi or someone close to you?

–No, not with Lionel because I have no relationship with him.

I spoke with José (Roccuzzo), because I was in the supermarket with him, and with Jorge (Messi), yes, of course.

I have a long time bond.

-What did they tell him?

They made it public.

I am not going to speak for the family.

But we all know how the family lives in Rosario and clearly this fact is aimed more at the repercussion than at the family itself.

And I understand that this reading is shared.

–Did you talk to Jorge Messi about security measures that can be taken with the family in the future?

–This has been made public: they are going to continue living in Rosario in the same way they are living.

In the same way that I do it and I will continue to do it.

"I win drug trafficking", was the phrase of Aníbal Fernández that received criticism.

–As I mentioned before, this time, unlike other mafia messages, your name was included.

How does that impact you?

–It impacts me in the sense of what I believe: that this has other objectives.

That has nothing to do with the dispute (of bands).

This is dirt and dirt is not the first time it has happened in Rosario.

The idea of ​​dirtying the political issue.

I do not have any doubt.

–And personally, how does it affect you?

–It is not pleasant, but I live in my city, everyone knows where I live, how I live, in what way.

I do believe that these actions obviously have all the components to seek an institutional upheaval and there are political issues.

I do not have doubts.

– What did you talk to the President?

Did he ask her, as he publicly did, to come to town?

-My name is.

She was in the helicopter, going to Salta.

It was half choppy and then we continued via WhatsApp.

I had presented the President with an agenda of things, ten days ago, when I saw him.

On the agenda there were specific things, actions that we should do.

Some are advancing and others require a better pace, particularly those related to the deployment of federal forces in the city's territory.

Since that day I have been in daily contact with the Chief of Staff (Ndr: Agustín Rossi), who also knows the city and with whom we have known each other for many years.

I follow up on the issues with him.

Today there was a preview on the subject of smart cameras.

And then we are going to have others linked to actions both in the specific field of the city, as well as in the urban and social spheres.

Yesterday with the President,

–Did you also maintain contact with Aníbal Fernández?

–I spoke first thing in the morning, as soon as we found out about the fact.

I think that the fact that there are movements in the appointments of those responsible for the Federal Command of Rosario has to do with the fact that we were not so wrong about some of the things we proposed.

The message to Messi and Javkin left by the people who shot his wife's supermarket with 14 shots.

–And what did you think of his later statements about drug trafficking having won in Rosario?

They all seemed absolutely wrong to me.

Both yesterday and today.

The number of detainees is not significant if the bulk of those detained are for minor procedures.

The response that they are afraid of federal forces…the homicide rate has increased.

That is very objective.

It is not verified at all (what the minister said).

On the contrary.

Historically, the presence of federal forces generated a reduction in the number of homicides.

Talking about how we lost to drug trafficking when we don't have a vehicle that chases a motorcycle.

To draw that conclusion we would have to be in a very different situation than we are now.

I do not share the form and of course the content.

These are answers that the Ministry of Security should give.

It's obviously a bad message.

– A couple of years ago you insisted on demanding a series of measures.

Are we the same or worse?

–We come from increasingly complex results.

The level of homicides grew, the number of firearms grew, the level of usurpations.

Obviously no, we don't have a good result.

There are no good results and for that you have to do different things.

And that is the proposition.

Today (by Friday) there is a series of raids in jails.

How long have we been considering it?

Obviously we are not advancing in the accusatory process.

In the entire list of actions that we have to agree on in order to move forward, we have not made progress in this year and a half.

Hopefully now this is a turning point.

They don't take care of Rosario.

I have neither weapons nor judges nor prosecutors and I am not going to stop asking for what corresponds to us, which is that they take care of us and that they prioritize us.

The situation that occurs in Rosario is being repeated in other parts of the country.

And the origin is always the same.

Argentina unfortunately has very poor reactions when it comes to dealing with drug trafficking and drug violence in the territory.

-In this sense, there is an extremely serious episode that seems to leave Rosario on the brink of the abyss: the kidnapping and subsequent murder to send a message from Lorenzo Altamirano, totally alien to the world of crime.

–That is the point that should mark a break, a turning point.

That is a fact, from what we know up to now, absolutely different because it adds something that had never happened.

The kidnapping of a person and then murder.

That is what shows that the problem is getting worse, that we are not making progress.

And we have already had more than a year with the federal forces in the territory.

Obviously with the deficits that we already know the police (Santafesina) have.

This is not just a matter for federal forces.

But precisely the federal forces are there for these complex actions.

To do criminal intelligence, to disarm the gangs.

That is the key point.

Perotti raised the idea of ​​generating a series of points of agreement between the different political forces.

Do you see the possibility that this materializes in the middle of the electoral dispute?

It is necessary, it is urgent and it should be simple.

How much do we have to agree to have a genetic data bank, which is what the prosecutors have required for a long time?

Or to have a procedural code for minors in the province?

Or to strengthen the number of mobiles and agents that Rosario has?

Or to better control the prison system?

You can act, you can agree.

We have a Minister of Security (Ndr: the commander of the Gendarmerie Claudio Brilloni) who is recognized by all Santa Fe politics. It is an opportunity.

It must be done now and it is urgent.

– What is your opinion of Patricia Bullrich's idea of ​​using the Army to deal with this problem?

–You have to be very careful with anything that could increase violence in the territory.

At some point it has to be clear that neither drugs nor weapons are produced in Rosario.

They arrive in Rosario.

They put them in Rosario.

I would like, when analyzing the persecution of drug trafficking in Argentina, to talk about the borders, the waterway.

Let's talk about the places where the drugs arrive.

Rosario pays the costs of being the logistics center of the country, for better and for worse.

But what we cannot continue to accept is that the actions focus only on the territory, as if this were only happening in Rosario.

To prevent much of what happens in Rosario we should have control at the borders, on the routes.

Make sure that drugs don't arrive, that weapons don't arrive.

–But not the work of the Army in the street?

-The prevention of crime in the street... I refuse to discuss that if we can't chase a motorcycle.

We do not have a level of complexity in the actions to still consider some hypotheses.

If we can't solve the simplest ones first... you'll be shot at a police station on a bicycle.

Or the Federal Courts walking.

I don't think that to chase a motorcycle we have to summon the Armed Forces.

Rosary beads.



look also

Drug violence in Rosario: they raid the cell of the leader of "Los Monos" and suspect a prison guard

Threat to Messi: how the neighbors live in the hottest neighborhoods of Rosario due to drug trafficking