The Limited Times

Washington: Scholz and Biden demonstrate unity

3/3/2023, 8:47:15 PM

Recently there had been some discord between Washington and Berlin. At a joint appearance in the US capital, Chancellor Scholz and President Biden show demonstrative unity.

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Chancellor Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden during their meeting in the Oval Office

Photo: Susan Walsh/AP

These are emphatically nice words in view of what was recently heard from Washington and Berlin: US President Joe Biden thanked Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) for the German contribution to supporting Ukraine in the war against Russia.

"We are pulling together to deliver critical security support to Ukraine," Biden said in the Oval Office of the White House shortly before a one-on-one meeting with the German chancellor.

Olaf Scholz emphasized the unity with the USA.

"It is very important to send the message that the allies will continue to support Ukraine," said Scholz.

Biden welcomed Scholz's decision to increase military spending.

The common goal is to strengthen NATO.

The two heads of state and government are expected to speak to each other for an hour.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters the meeting was an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss coordination in Ukraine.

In recent months there have been repeated reports of disagreements between Berlin and Washington over support for Ukraine.

In January, for example, tensions arose between the two governments over the issue of supplying western main battle tanks.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said just a few days ago that Biden was only sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine because Scholz made it a condition for sending German Leopards.

Scholz is now trying to dispel doubts about the unity of the allies.

In the run-up to the meeting, he had told the press that transatlantic relations were better than they had been for a long time.

This is important given the challenges such as the Russian attack on Ukraine.

The basis for these good relationships is trust.

Scholz had traveled to the USA without a delegation and without being accompanied by the press.

The White House said it was a working visit.

It is Scholz's second visit to Washington after his inaugural visit as Chancellor in February 2022.


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