The Limited Times

"Cocaine didn't affect me": Prince Harry in a revealing confession - voila! celebs

3/5/2023, 1:30:00 PM

"Cocaine didn't affect me": Prince Harry in a revealing confession Prince Harry at Buckingham Palace, January 16, 2020 (Photo: AP) About a month ago, the show "South Park" managed to greatly upset Prince Harry and Meghan Markle , after the two were presented in one of the episodes as whiners, publicity and attention seekers. But despite the insult they received, it seems that the two continue to justify the form in which they were presented as endlessly seeking

Prince Harry at Buckingham Palace, January 16, 2020 (Photo: AP)

About a month ago, the show "South Park" managed to greatly upset

Prince Harry


Meghan Markle

, after the two were presented in one of the episodes as whiners, publicity and attention seekers.

But despite the insult they received, it seems that the two continue to justify the form in which they were presented as endlessly seeking the headlines and the spotlight.

And this time, as part of the never-ending PR campaign of the Duke of Sussex for his book in question "Spare", he revealed more details about his drug use, continued to praise and praise his wife and hit his family a little more. Yesterday (Saturday) Prince Harry participated in a virtual event to promote his

book Next to Dr. Gabor Mata, a specialist in Taruma, addictions and child development.

During the conversation between the two, he told how his wife saved him from himself, according to him: "My wife saved me. I was stuck in this world, and she was from another world and helped pull me out of it.

Later in the conversation, he spoke again about his relationship with his family and his identification with his late mother, as someone who also felt different and unusual within the royal family: "Throughout my life I have always felt a little different from the rest of my family. I felt strange being a part of that, and I know my mother felt the same The thing. The times I dared to be the real, authentic me, it was almost like- 'Don't be yourself, go back to what you are expected to be.'"

As part of his dealing with the traumas he experienced and with his diagnosis as suffering from attention disorder, he told about his experiences with different drugs: "Cocaine did nothing for me, it was more of a social thing and gave me a sense of belonging. Marijuana is different, it really helped me."

And also told about the psychedelic drugs he experimented with: "It was like cleaning the windshield, removing the filters, it brought me a feeling of relaxation, release, comfort, lightness that I was able to hold on to for a period of time. I started doing it in my spare time and then I realized how good it was for me , I would say that it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past."

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry (Photo: Reuters)

The prince also did not ignore the negative reviews and reactions to his book and his and his wife's management and said: "Sometimes I'm surprised and sometimes not. It's the same group of people who react the same way when someone in a position similar to mine talks about their trauma. The more they criticize, the more they comment , I feel the need to share. I found a way to look around and ignore the criticism and the abuse."

Last week the Dukes of Sussex confirmed reports that

King Charles

had ordered them to vacate Frogmore Cottage, which was the young family's home at Windsor Castle.

If so, it seems that the couple doesn't have too much to lose and all that is left for them is to continue riding on top of the public relations and try to garner a little more sympathy and pity from the general public, at least as long as there are still those who are willing to continue listening to the dirty details that they take out of the royal palace.

  • celebs

  • Royal House


  • Prince Harry

  • British royal house

  • Meghan Markle