The Limited Times

"I'm not a normal mother": what made Keren Pels break down in tears? - Walla! celebs

3/6/2023, 1:06:49 PM

The talented musician was late to meet her daughter, which led to a ride from a kind-hearted woman and a sympathetic cry in the car. Watch a sneak peek of the "Connected" episode. Walla! Cracker celebs

Keren Pels connected (courtesy of HOT and Koda Communications)

The current season of "Connected" reveals some of the most beloved stars in Israel, who present sides to the camera that we did not know about.

One of them is

Keren Pels

, who was late to meet her daughter


and was unable to catch a taxi.

She got a ride from a kind-hearted woman she met by chance, but a phone call she received from her daughter managed to break her and make her burst into tears.

"I'm not a normal mother," said Peles.

"On the one hand, the desire to take care of yourself, to do, to work, and also to take care of the family and provide for yourself. On the other hand - where are you present in life? Today I canceled, I canceled to be in this thing of hers. To be for her, to be the mother. Where mothers always come, then comes the babysitter or father or Grandma and I know it's important to her, so I canceled everything and told her I would come."

  • celebs

  • native


  • Keren Ples

  • connected