The Limited Times

Cospito was transferred back to the hospital on the advice of the doctors

3/6/2023, 6:18:27 PM

It is the second time he has gone to San Paolo from Opera prison (ANSA) Alfredo Cospito, the anarchist who has been carrying out a hunger strike since 20 October to protest against the 41 bis, on the instructions of the doctors of the clinical center of the Opera prison returns to the penitentiary medicine department of the San Paolo hospital in Milan. The new transfer, ANSA learned from Dap sources, was necessary as the exponent of Fai, after the rejection by the Ca

Alfredo Cospito, the anarchist who has been carrying out a hunger strike since 20 October to protest against the 41 bis, on the instructions of the doctors of the clinical center of the Opera prison returns to the penitentiary medicine department of the San Paolo hospital in Milan.

The new transfer, ANSA learned from Dap sources, was necessary as the exponent of Fai, after the rejection by the Cassation of the request for revocation of 41 bis, suspended the intake of supplements.

It is the second time that he has been taken from the Milan penitentiary to the hospital.

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