The Limited Times

France: pensions, Black Tuesday tomorrow, 'the country stops'

3/6/2023, 11:24:31 AM

Everything is ready in France for the announced "Black Tuesday", the final showdown after 5 days of mobilization since January, the one that will have to "block the country" according to some trade unionists, "bring it to its knees" according to others. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PARIS, MARCH 06 - Everything is ready in France for the announced "Black Tuesday", the definitive showdown after 5 days of mobilization since January, the one that will have to "block the country" according to some trade unionists, "bring it to its knees "according to others.

While the government goes on and continues with the approval in the Senate of article after article of the disputed pension reform, which in Emmanuel Macron's intentions should bring the minimum age for leaving work to 64, compared to the current 62.

    According to a poll in the last few hours, 56% of French people approve of the decision to go to the end with the protest with tomorrow's general strike, which could be extended to the bitter end.

The government spokesman, Olivier Véran, was once again very harsh this morning, distinguishing on the microphones of BFM TV between "those who contest and those who want to block the country": "Launching an appeal to block everything - he said - means calling into question the legitimacy of our institutions after having lost the elections several times".

    Heavy inconveniences are expected in all public sectors, transport should be heavily reduced, the government has launched an appeal to those who want to work to stay at home in "smart working".

260 demonstrations are expected throughout the country, over a million demonstrators who should take to the streets.