The Limited Times

Inflation in electricity and gas: More and more terminations due to price increases

3/6/2023, 3:06:30 PM

Post from the gas or electricity provider has not meant anything good for some time – namely usually a sharp increase in price. As a result, many customers quit.

Post from the gas or electricity provider has not meant anything good for some time – namely usually a sharp increase in price.

So many customers quit.

Most households have already received them in the past year: Post from the utility, with which he announces sometimes sharp price increases.

Because after Russia's attack on Ukraine, energy prices not only rose sharply for fuel, but also for houses and apartments.

In the meantime, they are falling a little again in some cases, but so far only the increases have reached many consumers.

Inflation in electricity and gas: More and more terminations due to price increases


Gas is becoming more expensive - many customers are looking for a cheaper provider.

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© Marijan Murat/dpa

An evaluation by the termination service provider Volders shows that not all customers can be offered substantial increases: According to this, contract terminations due to price increases have risen sharply in 2022.

27 percent of the terminations are for this reason - in the two previous years it was only 17 percent.

The only reason given more frequently was moving (30 percent), poor customer service and financial reasons each accounted for 11 percent.

Inflation in electricity and gas: Some providers lure new customers with cheap contracts

In fact, a change of provider can relieve the household budget.

Because some providers lure new customers with cheap tariffs.

Although they are no longer permitted for the basic service, they are still permitted for individual contracts.

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Another special feature of the basic supply contract for electricity (which you automatically get from the largest local supplier when you move in): It can be canceled with a short notice of two weeks.

For all other contracts, this depends on the agreed term and the notice period.

In any case, it's worth checking out.

List of rubrics: © Marijan Murat/dpa