The Limited Times

Istat: in 2022 marriages +4.8% while civil unions +32%

3/6/2023, 11:12:31 AM

In the first nine months of 2022, Istat certifies a slight increase in marriages due exclusively to the growth of civil ones. In 2021, on the other hand, there was a growth of 86%, but with numbers always lower than the pre-covid ones (ANSA)

In the first nine months of 2022, provisional data indicate a slight increase in marriages, +4.8% compared to the same period of 2021, exclusively due to the growth in civil marriages (+10.8%).

Civil unions grow markedly (+32.0%).

Istat reports it in the report on marriages, civil unions, separations and divorces.

On the other hand, 2021 saw a recovery in marriages and civil unions

, although not yet at pre-pandemic levels.

In 2021, 180,416 weddings were celebrated in Italy, 86.3% more than in 2020, the year in which, due to the pandemic crisis, many couples had postponed the wedding.

However, the increase was not sufficient to recover what was lost in the previous year.

Religious marriages, which almost tripled compared to 2020, are down (-5.1%) compared to the pre-pandemic period.

Also in 2021, 2,148 civil unions were formed between same-sex couples

at the Civil Status Offices of Italian Municipalities, which with an increase of 40.3% compared to 2020 (year of general contraction) substantially return to the levels of 2019 (2,297 civil unions).

34.5% of civil unions are in the North-West, followed by the Center (27.2%).

Lombardy is among the leading regions with 21.8%;

followed by Lazio (13.8%) and Emilia-Romagna (10.1%).

Tuscany ranks first (5.6 per 100 thousand) followed by Lazio (5.2) and Lombardy (5.0).

In 2021, 8.5% of civil unions were formed in the municipality of Rome and 6.6% in that of Milan.

The prevalence of unions between men was also confirmed in 2021 (1,225 unions, 57.0% of the total), albeit decreasing compared to both the previous year (62.4%) and the pre-pandemic year (62.4%). 2%).