The Limited Times

La Russa, 'we are against any terror that attacks Israel'

3/6/2023, 11:12:42 AM

Italy in all its governments has always defended the existence of Israel, which must be protected in its rights, underlined the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa meeting his counterpart in the Knesset (ANSA)

"We are firmly against any terrorist force that threatens Israel's freedom, existence and independence.

Israel's rights must be protected

": said the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa after this morning's meeting with his counterpart in the Knesset Amir Ohana.

"As president of the Senate I must say that in all its governments Italy has always defended the existence of Israel, it has always wanted Israel to exist and demonstrate its freedom and independence".

La Russa then underlined that the meeting has an "important and particular significance because at the same time the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel and those of the birth of the Italian republican parliament fall".

La Russa then said - in the press releases that followed the meeting with Ohana - that she had invited the president of the Knesset to Italy in May for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the first session of the Senate of the Italian Republic.

La Russa then recalled that the visit to Israel is her fifth in the country and specified that she had brought her family and her children to the first "so that they could learn about the existence of Israel - she said -, the drama of the Shoah and the need for Italy to always be close to this nation and this people".

The program of the Senate president's visit also includes a meeting with Israeli premier Benyamin Netanyahu.

Later, La Russa will visit the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem Yad Vashem.

Then the meeting with the Jewish community of Italian origin at the Rehov Hillel synagogue and a visit to the Wailing Wall.