The Limited Times

Opinion Past experience shows: bigotry will not stop here Israel today

3/6/2023, 8:24:12 AM

The heart of the crisis is the attempt by the opposition and the heads of the judiciary to neutralize the results of the elections and to pose suicidal threats against them in self-BDS

After President Yitzhak Herzog's speech and the points of compromise he presented, and especially his proposal for the composition of the committee for the appointment of judges, there was room for hope that a compromise would be found.

But now the sky may have darkened upon us;

It is possible, because what is hidden in the rooms is more than what is visible and discussed in the public discourse.

The source of concern is not the increase in protest.

It itself is understandable, when you take into account the concerns of the protestors, and can be considered a legitimate patriotic way for the opponents of Levin's reform to balance their loss in the elections.

Even if groups of citizens failed in the elections, their right to influence the democratic regime remained.

The source of the concern is not necessarily in repulsive phenomena such as the menacing hatred of the soldiers on the barber shop in Madinah Square and the disturbing smile of Yair ("To the End") Golan at the scene of the incident.

The worrying question is: What is the direction of the protest?

As far as things look now, it is aimed at a frontal confrontation, and not at improving its position in the negotiations, as it should be.

This is an estimate, since there is no verified information about the seriousness of the secret negotiations, as far as they are taking place.

The de facto pause in the legislation of the reform, after the first reading of its beginning, reveals the artificiality and deception in the preliminary debate as to whether the negotiations will be conducted during the legislation or only when it is announced to stop.

It seems like an excuse not to litigate or an unfounded demand that the coalition raise a white flag in the face of the suicidal threats of its opponents and the cumulative damages to all of us.

As far as the coalition is concerned, the demand that an official stop be announced in the legislation, in addition to the current stop in practice, is blackmail with threats.

Adopting it means relinquishing the power legally obtained by winning the elections.

If the negotiations are opened with such a declaration, the coalition will be at a disadvantage under the suicidal threats of the other side and the feeling of defeat that will spread among its supporters.

God forbid it will be a theatrical performance demonstrating where the real political power resides.

The heart of the crisis at the moment is the attempt by the opposition and the heads of the judiciary to neutralize the results of the elections and confront them with suicidal threats of self-made BDS, increasing violence in the streets and finally a threat to invalidate fundamental laws at the High Court.

Gantz and Lapid do not appear to be independent actors in the arena.

They ride the protest and are unable to lead it.

The real leadership of the opponents of the reform is found elsewhere, in the Supreme Court fighting for the sovereign power it usurped in a lightning coup in the 1990s.

And the leaks published by journalists close to the top judges imply that this group, headed by Judge Ester Hayut, is preparing for a frontal confrontation rather than a compromise.

Released space will not be returned.

The entrenched threats against Netanyahu, which are nothing more than tests of tools in a legal coup, frighten and prepare for the coup itself.

There is room for grave concern that Pani Hayut and her friends are not negotiable, as the hopes of all lovers of the country.

Not only leaks, hints or rumors base this pessimistic assessment, but past experience.

The powerful group of judges and law professors, which usurped sovereign powers, has already in the past repelled attempts by several ministers of justice to limit its power by criminalizing or delaying.

Don't touch the Christians, that was their response.

Do not move the cheese.

We already have long experience with their unrestrained fanaticism, and it is safe to assume that one Levin reformed

Dina, as far as they are concerned: disqualification at the High Court, and until then a battle of attrition in the streets and mock negotiations on the negotiation framework.

There is reason to fear that the judges are planning a "last battle", to quote the International Anthem - that they are planning to rebel against the Knesset and invalidate a basic law that expressly forbids them to invalidate basic laws.

This is a promiscuous plan, not worthy of judges in Jerusalem.

It has a hegemonic blindness that is unaware of the power standing in front of it.

The coalition can moderate the reform and improve it, but cannot cancel its main points.

The events of recent years have opened the eyes of its supporters, and they will not close again.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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