The Limited Times

Opinion Show Ziona a miracle and a flag - once and for all Israel today

3/6/2023, 7:54:56 AM

For years, the Mohim were treated as a given that gives and gives. Even if in the end there is a compromise on the laws, we will have to redefine the concept: we are brotherly people

On May 24, 1949, the Knesset enacted the Flag Law.

The law defined what the state flag is.

In 1953, the flag regulations were published, which determine what the flag protocol is and determine the way in which the flag will be flown and the appropriate ways of using it.

Among other things, it is mandatory to wave it in all official institutions of the state.

In 1997, the obligation to fly the flag was also added in all schools.

In almost all of them, because ultra-Orthodox educational institutions were an exception.


This is the compromise that was reached at the time so that the law would pass.

And what about the Arabs?

They are also obliged to raise the flag in their educational institutions, but in practice there is apparently no enforcement.

The law, by the way, stipulates penalties for harming the dignity of the state flag.

That is why there is room to raise the enormous respect given to the state flag by the demonstrators against the legal coup.

They carry it with genius, wrap themselves in it like a blanket, wave it, are proud of it, and above all fight for it.

Adults and young people, men and women, boys and girls, secular and religious.

A sea of ​​flags.

The feeling is that we are fighting for the flag, that we must fight for it, because if the legal coup passes, the flag will be tarnished by laws that will turn Israel into a different place.

less open.

less liberal.

Less democratic.

It began as a response to the waving of Palestinian flags in the first protests nine weeks ago, which drew attention away from the main protest against the Levin & Rothman laws.

In an immediate decision, the directors of the protest decided to purchase flags that are attached to light bamboo sticks.

The first quantity they made was snapped up in a short time.

And so every night more and more flags appeared, until they became a symbol of protest.

Every Saturday night, starting at six in the evening, you can see people marching to Kaplan Street on the streets of Tel Aviv, carrying a flag on their shoulders.

Israel flag.

When they reach Kaplan Street, the individual flags join one another and create, without words, the thing that unites the protesters - the war for the flag.

on the face of the country.

For too many years, the flag bearers have allowed the depth charges of Israeli society, without giving them a solution.


It will be fine, they told themselves.

They will mobilize in the end, because it is not possible otherwise.

They will study core studies, because they also want to advance and be part of the modern world.

God bless them, they said to themselves, we live well, the economy is thriving, so we will pay taxes to finance them as well.

For years, those who make reserves and pay taxes and develop Israeli high-tech, have fortified themselves within themselves.

Talk to them.

They chatted about the situation and went on a skiing holiday together.

Now everything explodes in everyone's face.

The protest in Kaplan is also about the impossible situation that part of the population bears the burden, and that this seems natural to the other side that they bear.

The protest is also against the fact that for years the protestors were treated as a matter of course who gives and gives and gives.

Even if the protest ends and there is a compromise on the laws, because there must be a compromise, we will also have to redefine the concept together: we are brotherly people.

Because without us knowing how to detonate the depth bombs of Israeli society, the day will not be far away and we will once again have to, on a different issue, take to the streets to once again defend the flag.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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