The Limited Times

Perpetrator convicted of exhibitionism - could Sarah Everard's murder have been prevented?

3/6/2023, 3:36:57 PM

Already sentenced to life imprisonment for rape and murder, a British court has now handed Wayne Couzens another sentence for three counts of exhibitionism.

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Protesters after Sarah Everard's murder: The case sparked a debate about violence against women and abuse of power by the police


Shortly before the murder of Londoner Sarah Everard, the perpetrator repeatedly exposed himself to women.

Now he has been sentenced for these acts.

Too late, the judge finds, because the police had not followed up on the information at the time.

The 50-year-old was sentenced to life imprisonment in September 2021 with no prospect of early release.

Now there are 19 months in prison, according to the verdict on Monday.

The trial involved three cases of exhibitionism, two of which are said to have occurred in a fast-food drive-through and one while on duty as a police officer.

The latest verdict is likely to fuel debate as to whether the 33-year-old's murder could have been prevented.

The former London police officer committed the crimes within a few weeks before kidnapping, raping and killing Everard in March 2021 using his ID card.

The police are accused of not being aware of their colleague at the time, despite several reports of causing a public nuisance.

The judge stressed that the sentence was also a "public acknowledgment" of the impact the crimes had on the victims and their courage and persistence in reporting the incidents.

The fact that the police did not search for the perpetrator could have resulted in the man being confirmed and strengthened in his "dangerous belief in his invincibility and his power to sexually dominate and abuse women," the judge said.

The Sarah Everard case had caused horror across the country and massively damaged trust in the London police.

After further scandals in the ranks of the Metropolitan Police, the top management was replaced.

The new police chief expects hundreds of officers and employees to be unfit for the job.
