The Limited Times

Rezza to the prosecutors, 'indecision on the red zone but it was needed'

3/6/2023, 9:06:30 PM

Urbani, I want capable people. Fontana, indignant about Crisanti (ANSA)

"It seemed to me that the Prime Minister was not convinced and needed strong support to convince himself of the opportunity to establish the red zone" and on March 6 "I left that meeting with the idea that there was indecision. My fixation remained the need" for a more restrictive measure for Nembro and Alzano Lombardo.

To tell of those days in which, in the Roman palaces, on the agenda of the meetings between the technicians of the ministry, Cts and Civil Protection, the question of Val Seriana had arisen, with the deaths of Covid multiplying and a four from "catastrophe" is Giovanni Rezza, director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health and former director of infectious diseases of the ISS.

Heard as a witness by the Bergamo prosecutors on 18 June 2020, he said that already in mid-January,

On the situation in Alzano and Nembro, he explained that he "saw a map" on the spread of the infection in "early March" and that he "believed it was necessary to separate these two municipalities from Bergamo; the red zone would have "safeguarded" the city and at the same time it would have "slowed down" the contagion in the two towns. As for Speranza, "he has always been in favor of the adoption of restrictive measures;

even in the Lombardy Region it seemed to me that there was support", but "the Prime Minister" seemed "doubtful;

I had the impression that he wanted to raise the level of control to the entire region ". Furthermore, he seemed "hesitant" to him for another reason: "not to distract the "law and order" forces from other important activities "

such as the fight against terrorism.

Police forces and the Army that the then Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, on March 6, sent to the area for a planned activity.

But Conte "did not know" of the sending of men, he specified in his testimony before the magistrates, "precisely because in that period the purpose was of a preventive and reconnaissance nature", and "if there had been a Dpcm of 'belting'" would have been informed.

An initiative by the head of the Viminale at the time that had surprised, as he himself had recorded in May three years ago, the Governor of Lombardy Attilio Fontana.

"I was amazed" because "the red zone hasn't been made since". 


This uncertainty about what measures to take in Val Seriana - whose situation, as Giuseppe Ruocco, then general secretary of the Ministry of Health, the CTS already knew on 1 or 2 March, told the prosecutors - is another symptomatic aspect of the chaos in which the 'system' overwhelmed by what has been defined as "a rogue wave, a tsunami" fell and for which 19 people are now being investigated in the Bergamo investigation, including Conte, Speranza and Fontana.

"There was an old pandemic plan and it will be necessary to shed light on how and if it was implemented - commented the former Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri this morning -. If there have been omissions, they will emerge. Surely there are some problems

it was and was a problem of some top ministers who probably hadn't updated what was a duty over the years". vent by Andrea Urbani former director of programming of the Ministry and among the suspects. "There are many things to do, but we are totally unstructured in the ministry.

Weak and incompetent management and absence of second lines.

- he wrote on 8 April to Goffredo Zaccardi, chief of staff of Lungotevere Ripa -.

The absence of prevention in this affair is deafening, I can't do everything.

Please give me smart and capable people."

and "inadequate" to manage the pandemic there is also the outburst of Andrea Urbani former director of programming of the Ministry and among the suspects.

"There are so many things to do, but we are totally unstructured in the ministry. Weak and incompetent management and the absence of second lines - he wrote on 8 April to Goffredo Zaccardi, chief of staff of Lungotevere Ripa -. The absence of prevention in this story is deafening, I can't do everything. Please give me intelligent and capable people".

and "inadequate" to manage the pandemic there is also the outburst of Andrea Urbani former director of programming of the Ministry and among the suspects.

"There are so many things to do, but we are totally unstructured in the ministry. Weak and incompetent management and the absence of second lines - he wrote on 8 April to Goffredo Zaccardi, chief of staff of Lungotevere Ripa -. The absence of prevention in this story is deafening, I can't do everything. Please give me intelligent and capable people".

8 April to Goffredo Zaccardi, chief of staff of Lungotevere Ripa -.

The absence of prevention in this affair is deafening, I can't do everything.

Please give me intelligent and capable people."

8 April to Goffredo Zaccardi, chief of staff of Lungotevere Ripa -.

The absence of prevention in this affair is deafening, I can't do everything.

Please give me smart and capable people." 

And this while after the case of Patient 1 and the closure of the 10 municipalities of the Lodi area "abroad it was thought that Italy was 'hyper-reacting' with respect to the situation", Walter Ricciardi told the magistrates at the time councilor of the then minister Roberto Speranza.

Meanwhile, the words of the microbiologist Andrea Crisanti, senator of the Democratic Party and consultant to the prosecutor and omnipresent in the press and on TV for a few days, are causing controversy.

"They made me very indignant, rather than bothering me. - Fontana criticized - I was indignant that he claims that theories, the result of his entirely personal assessments, should even become the subject of a trial".

These are "absolutely respectable speculations" but "of one who, as Palù had defined him",  

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