The Limited Times

The Mida, the International Museum of Women Artists, is born

3/6/2023, 6:12:27 PM

The first nucleus of Mida is born: International Museum of Women Artists in Ceresole d'Alba (Cuneo) which will inaugurate on 21 April 2023 and will host a selection of works by some of the most interesting Italian and foreign female artists. (HANDLE)

 The first nucleus of Mida is born: International Museum of Women Artists in Ceresole d'Alba (Cuneo) which will inaugurate on 21 April 2023 and will host a selection of works by some of the most interesting Italian and foreign female artists.

The intent of the Mida, directed by Vincenzo Sanfo, an internationally renowned curator, who will be supported by an advisory committee, is to bring to light female creativity, which is not always evaluated in the right dimension.

    Thanks to the collaboration of the artists and private collectors, it has been possible to assemble a set of important works, ranging from Berthe Morisot to Susanne Valadon, from Sonia Delaunay to Marina Abramovic, passing through Jenny Holzer, Carmen Gloria Morales, Beverly Pepper, Rabarama, the Chinese Zhang Hongmei, Xiao Lu, the

    On display, there will be paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics, installations, videos, photographs, etchings and graphic works that will tell the complexity of the female creative world.

    Hosted inside the Church of the Madonna dei Prati, the Mida will also involve the city center with installations and sculptures placed in specially selected places, providing for the placement every year of some tiles and indicative elements showing the names and history of female artists not exhibited in the museum space but whose stories deserve to be known through a special QR code.

    The Mida joins the already present MuBatt, Museum of the Battle of Ceresole, an already consolidated presence.