The Limited Times

The news on channel 14: instead of objective reporting - fake news through mouthpieces with spoken opinions | Israel today

3/6/2023, 8:36:51 PM

In the Channel 14 edition, they do not deal with culture, sports or the cost of living, not even with human stories or in-depth investigations • Instead of working as a journalist, she shapes public opinion and not as a right-wing alternative but with uninvested populism • At least they left us Maggie Tavibi - until Sharon Gal landed on her head

"The viewers are with us" Sharon Gal was enthusiastic at least four times during the main edition of Channel 14 tonight, and repeatedly showed off the ratings records achieved by the edition the day before (8.2% viewership and 308 thousand viewers, which placed it in second place after News 12).

It's just strange that the channel still calls it a newscast because right now it mainly symbolizes the complete opposite of everything a major newscast should be.

In the 14th edition, they do not deal with trivial matters such as education, culture, sports, cost of living, foreign news, etc.

In the 14th edition, there are no human stories or articles of color, no engagement with social phenomena, no in-depth investigations or journalists to provide items.

In fact, only three reporters reported news in the Hayom edition (when one of them reported live from the reading of a scroll in Tel Aviv), and this probably explains why for about a year and a half this edition did not have a single scoop that actually affected the public agenda.

Sharon Gal and Maggie Tavibi.

The waitress tries to remain real and sane, until Sharon Gal landed on her head, photo: Channel 14 screenshot

And so, instead of doing journalistic work, the edition of 14 shapes public opinion.

She sacrifices her lineup in favor of commentators who explain the events of the day to viewers, then tell them how they should think.

Instead of being a right-wing alternative to the other editions, in the edition of 14 they choose to concentrate only on populism, without investment, without journalism and almost without women.

Sharon Gal does not allow the interviewee to thread an answer

This time, Knesset member Vladimir Bliak (Yesh Atid) was invited to the studio, who was teased countless times by interviewer Sharon Gal, who did not allow the MK to complete a single sentence and hit him repeatedly. "64 mandates voted for the reform, including me of course," Gal clarified at one point, to those who Haven't listened to him so far and am unaware of his political views. Blaik, for his part, was unable to answer any questions - simply because Gal didn't give him that option. It wasn't really an interview, just like it wasn't really news.

If the 14 edition continues to grow stronger and stronger, it could completely distort the way Israelis consume news.

Instead of objective investigations and reports, instead of news that is based on rules of objectivity and ethics, more and more people will in the future get used to being content with receiving fake news through mouthpieces reciting the same opinions one after the other on the same controversial issues.

At least they left us Maggie Tavibi, who was the main person responsible for the publication's trending improvement in ratings until they landed Sharon Gal on her head.

Among all the pages of talking messages that sit around the presenter tries to stay real and sane, ask serious questions and maintain some kind of news release vibe.

I mean, in the moments when Sharon Gal doesn't interrupt her to thread another statement that will serve his stated agenda - Maggie is like a small flash of light from journalism that hasn't gone out yet.

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