The Limited Times

Gantz and Eisenkot, now coming? | Israel today

3/7/2023, 5:12:43 AM

They have been busy for the past few months compulsively criticizing Itamar Ben Gabir and Bezalel Smotrich - these are easy, banal targets • None of them had the minimum courage to stand up to the generals and politicians in the early stages of the fuel injection, and to criticize them with their voice, like Ariel Sharon at the time, "Say, you've gone crazy Completely?!"

How did we get here?

The answers should be sought even before the legal reform was announced;

When the leaders of the outgoing opposition spoke and acted in terms of national collapse in a way that necessitates civil resistance.

Resistance of the kind reserved for the fight against dictatorships.

Even then, when he was still prime minister, MK Yair Lapid spoke on the KKL-Junk Bridge and explained: "Itamar Ben Gabir is a violent criminal who was convicted of supporting terrorism and did not serve a single day in the army, he will not send our children to battle."

Go back to those days, of the pre-reform: announcements of civil riots, disobedience and civil resistance like no other - it's all there.

The Division for the Dissolution of Solidarity

The messages, as messages do, seeped through.

Gradually, letters of "concern" came from servants and graduates of elite units, and the trickle turned into a tsunami.

And all the while the "former officials", who enjoy prestige and moral authority, continued to heat up the atmosphere with analogies to dictatorships and violent struggles.

Yes, it is alarming to witness the process of "Sadi ben Shatritization" going through the former members of the security establishment who joined the process of transferring the recruits and blocking the roads.

Ehud Barak, as well as moderate figures such as Moshe Ya'alon and Dani Yatom, finally moved to the dismantling wing of Israeli solidarity.

They are not alone there, but they mobilize all the weight of their prestige, hence their remaining responsibility.

Our political culture has fostered in them the illusion that the duty to "do everything" rests on their shoulders.

So there, they did it all - and called on others to do it all. 

The sharp arrows of criticism should be directed at figures such as former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, MK Gadi Eisenkot and others within the camp that prides itself on "statecraft". Political figures with a military background or adorning themselves with a commanding aura, who built their political capital on images as the "salt of the earth" And they waved in ranks all the way to the Knesset, wrapping themselves in the aura of "brothers in arms", with coffee from Pinjan and sermons about "Shabhak" and "Ahedot".

The horses ran away from the stable

They have been busy in recent months with a compulsive criticism of Itamar Ben Gabir and Bezalel Smotrich.

These are easy, banal goals.

None of them had the minimum courage to stand up to the generals and politicians in the early stages of the fuel spewing, and to reprimand them with their voice, like Ariel Sharon at the time, "Tell me, have you gone completely crazy?!".

easy targets.

Smotrich and Ben Gvir, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Not only did they not do it, they also joined the demonstrations, recruited more formers and contributed their share to the heating of the streets.

Now that the horses have all run away from the stable, they are frightened and remember to warn of refusal.

Too late, Gantz.

You and your friends had a chance to shine with a leadership statement, but the fear of a media reaction, the anger of the demonstrators and the hiding place of your former commanders - won.

The point is not the refusal itself, but the exploitation of the position, the proxy authority and the network of connections to inflame the instability and impose policies on an elected democratic government.

It doesn't matter how the protest ends, the fallout will stay with us for a long time.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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