The Limited Times

Opinion A letter from a secular broadcaster Israel today

3/7/2023, 8:13:13 AM

What will education look like when the weakness takes over the schools? • How will the leftist feel the day after the reform? • What dawn will dawn on a right-wing couple from the periphery when they come to conquer Tel Aviv? • And what will a secular broadcaster do when the Dossians take over the media? • On the occasion of Purim, the opinion section presents you with the local version of "Vanafucho"

in honor of:

Rabbi Yochanan Kreithamer

program manager

Kahn Broadcasting Corporation (on behalf of the Rebbe of Aharon History)


I hesitated a lot whether to contact you at all, but since you assumed your position, I see you as an inclusive figure and a listening ear.

That's why I decided not to turn off what bothers me inside me, whatever your response may be, and I hope that you will find logic in these things.

Last week I was asked to replace Meir Konigsberg in presenting the Friday morning cultural program due to the circumcision of his twin sons.

Since the date of the alliance was only decided on Thursday (he told me that "the children are yellow", I didn't really understand what he meant - Meir and his nonsense), I received the plan almost ready and did not have time to change anything in it.

Although I did my job properly, the staff was excellent and the program went smoothly - I was left with a bad taste in my mouth, and I have to share that with you.

Yohanan, this station is a national station.

It belongs to everyone and broadcasts to everyone.

But it is natural that the content uploaded and broadcast as part of the central cultural program on the station will be, well, everyone's.

Of course, I am not claiming that the entire program should cover niche content such as fashion week, the Acre Theater Festival, the Ophir Awards or the Pride Parade.

It is clear to me that events that interest only one tribe - no matter how big - cannot fill the entire space.

But like that, to exclude completely?

At a station that by definition belongs to everyone?

The opening item was an interview with Rabbi Karlenstein about the preparations for the end of the Shas and the establishment of the joint committee for the ultra-Orthodox and religious-nationalists. It's fine. After all, it is an event in which the majority of the population takes part and cannot be ignored. Immediately after it, Eli Dvir, the producer of the Jubilee event Menachem Toker's 70th in the nation's buildings. Of course, it is clear to me that this is a national level event, but there are some listeners who hold a blue ID card who do not admire Menachem Toker, and they were interested in hearing specifically about the Haifa Festival, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year.

I'm the last to argue against coverage of items from the periphery, but when I broadcast a sequence of three items about male exchanges in three different Yeshivas of the "Orhot Torah" network, I felt that we were exaggerating a bit.

With all due respect, the fact that the ultra-Orthodox public is the majority and the leading stream, does not mean that a station that belongs to everyone and broadcasts to everyone should treat other tribes with complete disregard.

And please, Yohanan, don't give me Dan and Idan's morning show on the Kahn Tel Aviv channel as an example.

This is a fig leaf.

The secular public deserves a little more than that.

As you know, I am still young, and I just finished my service at the regional radio station and arrived at the national station.

But I'm sure that in other days, when my camp was the majority and the dominant camp, there was a much greater diversity in the content broadcast on stations intended for everyone, and no one felt excluded or uncounted.

And even if I don't have clear knowledge on the subject, at least that's what I want to believe.

I hope my words will fall on a listening ear.

Ido Smolenskin

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